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Nursing - Indianapolis

Course Description


Simulated patient care provides an opportunity to develop the psychomotor skills necessary to provide nursing care to meet basic patient needs. Emphasis is placed on the use of standard precautions, provision of a safe care environment, and maintenance of patient privacy and basic principles of documentation. Through the use of additional simulated patient care activities and mastery of basic care principles, students are provided the opportunity to develop progressively complex nursing skills to include sterile technique, airway maintenance, nutritional and fluid support, elimination devices, specimen collection, medication administration, drug dosage calculations, and more advanced principles of nursing documentation.

Physical Assessment

Urinary Catheterization

Sterile Dressing Change

Vital Signs

Central Line Dressing Change

NGT Insertion and Medication Through a NGT

Trach Suctioning

Administering A Tube Feeding and Medication

Intramuscular Injection

Starting An IV and Discontinuing IV Site