A multi-disciplinary database containing professional and peer-reviewed titles
Portal to all EBSCO databases including Academic Search Complete, Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition, and more; select as appropriate from this entry page.
Multidisciplinary database providing full text for nearly 2,000 periodicals with full-text information dating as far back as 1922.
Reference works, Scholarly journals, Trade publications, and important General interest magazines covering core academic subject areas. Help Guide available.
Extensive collection of online academic books in all subject areas
Extensive collection of online academic books in all subject areas.
HathiTrust is a partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.
5000+ scholarly books in full text, online or downloadable, covering all areas of the humanities and social sciences. Titles are chosen by scholars as important to further scholarship; includes classic works. Search full texts by keyword, or browse titles or authors. Recommended for course reserves. Website is ADA compliant.
Thousands of ebooks, audio books, videos, and case studies covering computer networking, software development, programming, project management, leadership, business, and more.
To access your playlists offline, download the O'Reilly Mobile App available for iOS, Android, or Kindle devices.
Full-text books and videos on business, computing, and technology. Search through IvyCat. Read online, few downloads. Sign in using your Ivy Tech credentials, save your reading list, notes, and more. To access your playlists on a mobile device, download the Skillsoft Learning App in your app store.
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News (papers) – written by journalists and reporters for the general public, focus on current events.
Academic Journals – articles are written by experts for experts, and often describe research studies.
Magazine –written by journalists and professional writers for the general public. Some are specific to an area of interest.
Trade Publications- Written by people working in the profession for others in that profession.
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