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RESP 103

Article Review Assignment

Article Review Information (INSTRUCTIONS)

  1. Pick 1 article, it must be about a heart, renal or lung disease, heart and lung equipment or drug related treatments for heart and lung diseases
  2. Article must be at least 2 pages and no more than 15 pages
  3. From 2014- current (year)
  4. Article must be from a medical, nursing or therapist journal
  5. Send me an email with the topic of the article you choose.
  6. Use APA format to cite and write up your work.
  7. Write a summary of the article about ½ a page
  8. Include Cover Page (APA format)
  9. Upload a copy of the article in Canvas by the assigned due date
  10. Present a quick review of your article and why you pick this article/topic to the class, about 1:30 – 3:00 minutes tops
  11. Presentations will be during the last week of class

Heart Blood Flow Assignment

For this assignment the student will correctly trace the blood flow through the heart. (chapter5)

This assignment is worth 25 pts , to receive 25 pts the assignment will be typed if the student is doing the basic assignment and have traced/drawn heart showing the flow, Advanced assignment worth extra bonus points up to a total 40 pts. This will demand more creativity , example include power points , modals , poster boards etc. I can show you some past projects. The Library may be able to help you with ideas.