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Madison Campus - Student Success Center: Tutor Appointments and Walk-ins

Student Success Center Hours

Tutoring Services at the Madison Campus


The Madison campus’s Student Success Center (SSC) expanded their tutoring service beyond "Drop-ins" to include tutoring appointments.

Here is the single step process to request and receive a tutoring appointment:

  • Students select this Campus Tutoring Link and then select the "Schedule an Appointment or Search for Drop-in Availability" option.

What happens next?

  •  Visit your tutor in their office (their office number is listed below) at your scheduled appointment time or for a drop in during their scheduled tutoring times.

Madison Campus Tutoring Services

Spring Semester 2025 (1st 8-Week Term)

Subject Tutor's Name Day(s) Hours Room#
Math T. Fisher Tuesday 2:00-4:00 2525
Subject Tutor's Name Day(s) Hours Room#
Writing/APA/MLA J. Koren Monday 11:30-1:30 2555
Writing/APA/MLA S. Hamner Tuesday & Thursday 12:30-1:30 2540
Writing/APA/MLA M. Belt Monday 9:00-11:00 2515
Writing/APA/MLA S. Dattilo Thursday 1:00-3:00 2585
Subject Tutor's Name Day(s) Hours Room#
Anatomy & Physiology E. Wiederhoeft Wednesday Noon-2:00 2505
Anatomy & Physiology M. Adams Wednesday Noon-2:00 2570
Biology M. Adams Wednesday Noon-2:00 2570
Biology E. Wiederhoeft Wednesday Noon-2:00 2505
Business T. Renners Wednesday 1:00-3:00 2065
Communication S. Hamner Tuesday & Thursday 12:30-1:30 2540
Communication M. Belt Monday 9:00-11:00 2515
Education  S. Dattilo Thursday 1:00-3:00 2585
English J. Koren Monday 11:30-1:30 2555
Information Technology & Business D. Rettig

Monday & Tuesday

11:00- Noon 2560
Medical Assisting Orelia Drounette TBA TBA 2265
Paramedic Science C. Elliot Wednesday 10:00-Noon 1340
Physics M. Wimmer TBA TBA 2510
Psychology T. Schellenberger Tuesday 11:00-1:00 2535

NOTE:  With the above scheduled face-to-face tutoring option, you will receive the personalized campus tutoring services that they expect from Ivy Tech.

However, when campus tutoring service do not work with your busy schedule, please login to your IvyLearn account and connect toTUTOR.COM through your course menu for 24/7 online tutoring assistance.

Contact Information:

Tim Renners
Tutoring Manager
Library Room 2057
(812) 265-2580 Ext. 4102

Student Success Center Contact Info

 Phone Number

(812) 265-2580 Ext. 4102