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VISC 218 Design and Production in a Digital World - Columbus

Possible Books of Interest - General Visual Communications

Possible Books of Interest - Bookmaking

More Books of Possible Interest - Finishing


Books are available in a variety of formats at the University Library of Columbus. 

  • One type of book is a print book, which can be found in the actual library and usually may be checked out. 
  • A second type of book is an ebook.  Ebooks are available electronically, which is useful for distance students who are not on campus.

Check out the links to the right and left of this message for possible books that might be helpful to your topics.

Searching Print Books

Students can access the library's catalog by clicking on ULCAT provided below:

  • IUCAT and IvyCat - Searches for books in the University Library of Columbus, which includes both Ivy Tech and IUPUC materials.  Ivy Tech and IUPUC materials may be checked out using a valid library card.

When you have located a book that you believe will be helpful to your research, write down the book's title, author, and call number (location).  Do not hesitate to ask a library staff member if you need help finding the book.

Searching E-books

Students have access to books through our ebooks system, which includes both NetLibrary and Ebrary.  Use the searchbar below to find out what is available as an ebook.  This is especially helpful for students who take online classes or for students who are are not at the library.


Try words that are related to your topic, such as graphic design, visual communications, or typography.

Search for e-books ONLY

More Books of Possible Interest - Type

More Books of Possible Interest - Paper

More Books of Possible Interest - Graphics

More Books of Possible Interest - Illustration