Gale Virtual Reference Library: GVRL is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
Health Reference Center Academic: Provides access to medical and professional periodicals, health and fitness magazines, and reference books and pamphlets.
Nursing and Allied Health Collection: Provides access to academic journals and other reference content covering all aspects of nursing.
Nursing Resource Center: Collects disease and drug overviews, care plans, journals, and animated anatomy and physiology diagrams to complement the core encyclopedia texts.
Health and Medicine: The Health and Medicine database contains 2567 publications, including 1725 peer-reviewed journals, 366 trade journals, and 245 magazines that explore nursing and health care related topics.
EBSCOhost houses some of the most extensive research databases in the nation. Listed below are subject related databases that will help streamline your research.
Peer-reviewed or scholarly articles are written by experts and reviewed by other experts before publication. Many of our databases will allow you to limit your search to only full text peer-reviewed articles.
Publication Finder is used to search for journals by title or subject. Begin your search here!
Google Scholar is a free service that indexes abstracts and full text articles across an array of academic topics. You can access Google Scholar here!