If you are an Ivy Tech student, IUPUC databases and eBooks are only available to you with an Indiana University guest account. To request a guest account, you will need to do the following:
- Visit the University Library of Columbus (ULC) front desk
- If you don't have a library card with the ULC, they will issue you one
- You will need your driver's license to verify your name and address
- Ask the staff at the front desk to issue you a guest account because you want to access IUPUC resources
- Store the guest account information that the staff print out for you in a place that you'll remember, so you can utilize it whenever you visit the ULC
- You will use the guest account username and password to logon to the computers in the ULC
- Enter username: ADS\ at the beginning of the username
- Enter your password
- Go to the IUPUC website and mouse over Academics. Then click on Library. Click on Resources and Research on the left side menu. Click on Resources A to Z. Click on the database you need.
Please Note: Guest accounts are only good for 30 days. Once the 30 days has expired, you will need to have the ULC reissue you a guest account.
You will not be able to access IUPUC resources from home.