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Disability Research

Tourette Syndrome Definition

Tourette syndrome: A disorder marked by multiple motor tics, involuntary vocalizations, and significant impairment of social functioning.


Anatomy or system affected: Brain, muscles, musculoskeletal system, nerves, nervous system, psychic-emotional system


Causes: Unknown; possibly genetic


Symptoms: Repetitive eye blinking, tongue protrusion, facial grimacing, or other head movements; unusual vocalizations (grunting, coughing, throat clearing); involuntary touching, knee bends, touching of objects in sequence, or other repetitive behaviors



  • Symptoms must persist for a period of at least one year, although they may decrease or subside during that time for brief periods of three months or less.
  • Onset must be prior to eighteen years of age.
  • The motor and vocal tics manifested must not be a consequence of drug use or the result of a previously existing medical condition such as Huntington’s chorea.


Treatments: Relaxation techniques, drug therapy, counseling, touch therapy, music therapy.

The UpTic is a podcast that provides an opportunity for the eclectic voices of the TS community to be heard. The topics covered will be as diverse as the neurodivergent population.  

This video, created by the Tourette Association of America, gives an overview of the disorder including the science behind it, symptoms, and statistics.