American Medical Association
The AMA website provides access to a variety of resources concerning the principles of medical ethics, including the AMA Code of Medical Ethics and the AMA Journal of Ethics.
The Hastings Center
Since its founding in 1969, the Hastings Center has played a central role in responding to advances in medicine, the biological sciences, and the social sciences by raising ethical questions related to such advances. It conducts research on ethical issues and provides informative resources for journalists and the public. The center's website features information on its books, as well as links to papers, guidelines, and the bimonthly Hastings Center Report.
- Hastings Center Report
The Hastings Center Report explores the ethical, legal, and social issues in medicine, health care, public health, and the life sciences. The pioneering bioethics journal contains an assortment of essays and peer-reviewed scholarly articles. Search full-text content from 1990-present here.
- Bioethics Briefings
Hastings Center Bioethics Briefings contains overviews of issues in bioethics of high public interest, such as abortion, brain injury, organ transplantation, physician-assisted death, and stem cell research. The chapters, written by leading ethicists, are nonpartisan, describing topics from a range of perspectives that are grounded in scientific facts. They each include experts to contact and resources.
- Special Reports
Special issues of The Hastings Report organized around topical issues in bioethics appear periodically and consist of commentaries, analyses, and journalistic reporting that provide depth and perspective on bioethics topics such as Gene Editing, Racism and Bioethics, Advance Directives, and many more.
- Ethics and Human Research
Ethics & Human Research aims to foster critical analysis of issues in science and health care that have implications for human biomedical and behavioral research, existing ethical, regulatory, and policy frameworks governing research with humans in the United States.