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Time Management, Organizational Skills, and Study Skills

Working with Kids in the Home

  • Start by observing a quiet time for 30 minutes. Let children know the guidelines; for instance, “please stay in your room and play quietly during this time. Here are some things you may do.” If your children need separate spaces, have them stay in different rooms or use a blanket on the floor to mark off areas, or make a “tent” on the couch or under a bed. If you have very young children, have them stay in their bed. Have a box of special activities they can choose from that they are only allowed to have during quiet time.
  •  If your kids have difficulty occupying themselves, can you have someone come over and watch them for a couple of hours twice a week? Or, can the kids go to a friend’s house?  What about setting up a Zoom with a grandparent or friend and having the kids interact with the sitter that way? The sitter could read a book, direct a simple art activity, or even play a board game “with” the kids by letting the kids move the sitter’s piece around the board.
  • For school-age children, consider setting a block of time when you and they both work on schoolwork. Go over their work with them so they know what to do, and then set a timer. You could also assign simple chores for the kids to do. You can all work in your own areas until the timer goes off, and then take a break for a short game, a walk, or other activity. How much time you study depends on the age of your child and how you study best yourself. 
  • If your child has trouble cooperating during designated quiet times, try rewarding 60 minutes of quiet time with 15 minutes of time with you--taking a walk, playing a board game, etc. 
  • Greet your child when you come in the house. Spend a few minutes talking with them before taking on tasks where you prefer not to be interrupted. Chances are, they will cooperate with you once you have taken that time to connect with them. 

Studying with Kids Underfoot