If a book, article, DVD, or other item is not available through our library, we will be happy to try and get the material from another library.
If you would like to make an interlibrary loan request (ILL), please call the Kokomo library at (765) 459-0561 ext. 7515 or email Kokomo-Library@ivytech.edu.
Please be aware that items borrowed through interlibrary loan may take anywhere from 1-3 weeks to obtain, so it's best to plan ahead.
The due date will be up to the lending library. If you need to keep an item past the original due date, please let us know at least one week before the due date to give us time to contact the lending library and request a renewal.
If the lender does not allow renewals, you will need to return the item before the original due date.
We look forward to hearing from you!