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"...takes readers on a journey to find their next meaningful and fulfilling job--no matter where they are right now."
"...a practical and inspiring take on improving focus and enhancing peak performance for individuals and teams."
"...walks you through...9 most common obstacles that stand in the way of building authentic confidence...offers digestible actions, behaviors, and exercises you can use to change the way you think and the way you present yourself to others."
"...will show you how to define, articulate and sell your brand to the target markets who will pay for your skill set. You will be able to apply the principles you learn here, no matter what you’ll be doing..."
We have created an Organization in IvyLearn that houses all of the tutoring information for the Lafayette campus. We offer tutoring in a variety of subjects, with both virtual and in-person options. You can find tutor schedules for both types of tutoring on the Org, which also holds the Zoom tutoring rooms for math, science, writing, and more. These rooms will be available for you to log in and work with tutors and your fellow students.
In addition to schedules, Zoom links, and contact info, the Org contains resources for your success posted by our tutors.
If you are interested in joining the Org, please email Amanda Simmons at and she will add you to the Org. You will then be emailed an invitation to join. Once you accept the invitation, the Virtual Tutoring Organization–Lafayette will appear in your dashboard in IvyLearn.