A multi-disciplinary database containing professional and peer-reviewed titles
Reference books covering all aspects of business and finance.
News, Trade, and Academic sources focused on business. Less than two weeks delay. Includes Company and Industry profiles. Recommended for research at all levels.
Reports related to topics in the news and social and political issues. Recommended for topic overviews and for argumentative essays.
More than 1,200 reference works providing background information for topics ranging from agriculture to technology. Search within multiple sources using keywords, or browse topics in different subjects. Recommended for introductory research in all topics. Browse Subjects covered by Credo Reference.
Extensive collection of online academic books in all subject areas.
Focused collection of journals, trade magazines, and reference books; includes company profiles, case studies, videos, and related materials from Harvard Business School and Vator.tv
Full text articles of 130 periodicals exploring the business of health care administration. Search using the standard EBSCO interface.
Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video platform that offers films, TV shows, educational videos and documentaries. Get help with Kanopy.
EBSCO Management Collection is designed to meet the diverse information needs of today's companies, full text articles from nearly 1,200 quality magazines and journals.
Regional Business News incorporates coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
Full-text books and videos on business, computing, and technology. Search through IvyCat. Read online, few downloads. Sign in using your Ivy Tech credentials, save your reading list, notes, and more. To access your playlists on a mobile device, download the Skillsoft Learning App in your app store.
Resources include sample business plans, how-to guides, articles, websites and more. Also available in a standard search interface.