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Creative Arts Club - Terre Haute / Greencastle

Meeting Information

The CAC meets every Wednesday

Time:  2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

Place: Study Room 1 in the Library and on Zoom 

To join us on Zoom:

open book with pages folded in the form of a heart

club members conducting a meeting

Weekly Writing Challenges

For Wednesday, 2.12.25 :

  • Ongoing Themes/Topics: 
    • The use of color & descriptive language 
    • Write about food & paint a picture for your readers - show don't tell
    • Describe something you have, how it looks, feels, smells, how you got it, and the way it makes you feel.

Results of these themes will be shared at the next meeting.

Big Read Book Discussion

The book Sitting Pretty: The View from My Ordinary Resilient Disabled Body by Rebekah Taussig is being offered to IVY Tech as part of the Vigo County Public Library’s “The Big Read”.

Books will be available after March 1, and a discussion will take place in the Terre Haute Library on March 19, from 2 to 4 pm.

We need a count of everybody who would like a copy.

For Wednesday, 2.5.25 :

  • Ongoing Theme/Topic: The use of color & descriptive language 
  • Additional Theme/Topic:  Write about food & paint a picture for your readers - show don't tell

Results of these themes will be shared at the next meeting.

* As always, songs, music, video or artwork that reflect our topic could also be shared in place of a written work.*

Additional Agenda Items: 

The inaugural IvyVine Journal is being put together by online and in print - Darla & Patty are assisting

  • Journal Launch Party is tentatively scheduled for April 11 from 6-8 p.m.
  • Be prepared to read your work if you submitted!

The Putnam County Public Library is hosting poetry readings from 6 to 8:30pm:

  • Monday, February 24th
  • Monday, March 24th

Please attend and bring something to read!

CAC T-shirts

Floyd wants to have T-shirts made for club members & is looking into the process.

For Wednesday, 1.29.25 :

Theme/Topic: The use of color & descriptive language

* As always, songs, music, video or artwork that reflect our topic could also be shared in place of a written work.*

Welcome Back!

For Wednesday, 1.14.25 :

Planning 2025 Club Itinerary 

  • Possible Big Read Participation in March 
  • Open Mic Night in April 
  • Planning another play! 
  • Summer/Fall BBQ Cookout  Membership Drive 

Hope to see you there!

For Wednesday, 12.11.24 :

The theme is Christmas!

For Wednesday, 10.30.24 :

Take a photo and write an Ekphrastic poem or short story (either poetry or prose, literal or figurative, and totally creative).

Consider what you perceive in what you see – focus on thoughts and feelings.

As always, songs, music or artwork that reflect our topic could also be shared in place of a written work.

For Wednesday, 10.23.24 :

Theme:  Scarecrows in a Pumpkin Patch

For Wednesday, 9.25.24 :

Theme:  Chocolate vs. Chewing Gum

For Wednesday, 9.4.24 :

Ongoing Theme: What Would You Change About Yourself If You Could?


  • Friday, 9/6 @ 1:30 p.m.
  • Room E-128

For Wednesday, 7.24.24 :

  • Read-Through of Revised Play Script 

For Wednesday, 7.10.24 :

  • Poetry Theme:  Country - bring a poem that explores the theme of "country" based on your personal interpretation of the word or concept
  • Play Review: There will also be a review of the play / script at the next meeting

Coming Up :

  • Call for Officers in the Fall Semester

For Wednesday, 6.26.24 :  Bring 3 haiku - Due to cancellation of the 6/26 due to the power outage, please bring your haiku to the meeting on Wednesday, 7/3/24.