A multi-disciplinary database containing professional and peer-reviewed titles
Best resource for current public figures (entertainers, authors, chefs). In-depth, original profiles from the Current Biography, World Authors, and Junior Authors & Illustrators series. Full-text biographical articles, images, and abstracts from leading magazines and newspapers.
Best resource for current public figures (entertainers, authors, chefs). In-depth, original profiles from the Current Biography, World Authors, and Junior Authors & Illustrators series. Full-text biographical articles, images, and abstracts from leading magazines and newspapers.
Extensive collection of online academic books in all subject areas
Extensive collection of online academic books in all subject areas.
Currently with 15,155 titles, this e-book collection supports a quality learning experience for K-8 students across all subject areas taught in elementary and middle schools. It’s an effective way to provide educators with full-text e-books to support their curricula.
Index of journal articles, reports, conference papers and other materials relating to education; many peer-reviewed, many full text. Includes the What Works Clearinghouse of practices reviewed for standards of evidence. Search using standard EBSCO interface, use the direct link for advanced searching options. Recommended for research in Education at all levels.
5000+ scholarly books in full text, online or downloadable, covering all areas of the humanities and social sciences. Titles are chosen by scholars as important to further scholarship; includes classic works. Search full texts by keyword, or browse titles or authors. Recommended for course reserves. Website is ADA compliant.
Search back issues of scholarly journals in arts, humanities, and social science disciplines, as well as business, finance, and health science fields; capture titles that cross discipline boundaries. Dates from the 1700s on, with a lag of more than one year. Allows advanced searching. Includes some open-access Artstor materials.
Full-text content focusing on the humanities and social sciences; includes e-books and some scholarly journals. Project Muse is maintained by Johns Hopkins University Press.
Upon request, the library offers instruction to faculty, staff, and students. Instruction may include a general introduction to the campus library as well as instruction in the use of specific resources.
Students can schedule individualized library research instruction sessions by using the TracCloud Self-Serve Dashboard in MyIvy, as follows:
Library staff members look forward to meeting with you individually as you work through the research process!
For additional requests from faculty or staff or for more information regarding library services, please contact Darla Crist.