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Procrastination Guide

Explore what happens in the brain to trigger procrastination, and what strategies you can use to break the cycle of this harmful practice.

Procrastination is a common affliction. Here are 7 steps to cure your self to stop procrastinating!

What exactly is procrastination? Let's explore it and what it really looks like from the inside.

What exactly is procrastination? Let's explore it and what it really looks like from the inside.

Are you ready to finally crush procrastination and accomplish the goals you've been carrying in your heart for years? Get ready! You are about to learn the secret to overcoming procrastination and accomplishing your goals, one small action at a time.

In this podcast you will find tips on simplifying your to-do list, ways to implement self care into your day, mindset shifts and simple systems that will allow you to find your version of balance and to feel accomplished at the end of each day.