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NRSG 115 - Culture Presentation Project

For basic country and culture information, try searching Global Road Warrior - A guide to traveling the world featuring information on embassies, business, societies, culture, food, education, and much more.

Search databases using keywords

Many cultural, traditional, and healthcare practices are influenced by a group's religion. Including a religion in your keywords can help locate materials. 

Keywords, or search terms, are the main points of your topic. Database searching works best when using keywords.  Below are some terms to get you started: 

Choose your assigned culture/religion/group: Combine with these terms:   
African American traditional medicine or healthcare immigration or migration
Amish or Anabaptist healthcare practices or beliefs gender roles
Appalachian Region religious values or rituals family dynamics or child rearing
Chinese or Chinese-American or Buddhist dietary practices or nutrition common health issues
Eastern European or Jewish health literacy health barriers
Filipino or Catholic cultural awareness  case study
 Asian Indian or Hindu cultural competence medical mistrust
Indigenous People or Native American or Miami Tribe patient centered care health disparities
Nigerian or Islam or Muslim transcultural nursing folk medicine
Serbian or Orthodox Christian ethonursing refugees
Hispanic or Latino or Latina or Latinx Kampo or herbal medicine  discrimination
Polish or Poles or Roman Catholic patient experience or satisfaction health and hygiene
Japanese or Shinto or Confucianism sexual or gender minorities  
LGBTQ+ or transgender or gay or lesbian or queer    

Use larger databases like Academic Search Complete and ProQuest Research Library 

Or databases that focus on health topics like CINAHL,  and Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition and MedLine with Full Text. 

Use the guide below to help you search for articles in the library databases. 

Using the library databases will provide results like this article that covers how different religions view the measles vaccination: 

  • Wombwell, E., Fangman, M. T., Yoder, A. K., & Spero, D. L. (2015). Religious barriers to measles vaccination. Journal of Community Health, 40(3), 597-604. doi:


These articles contains general information about cultural competent care: 

  • Cuevas, A. G., O’Brien, K., & Saha, S. (2017). What is the key to culturally competent care: Reducing bias or cultural tailoring? Psychology & Health32(4), 493–507.


  • Pais, N. D., Suresh, S., & DCunha, S. (2023). Spirituality and Spiritual Care in Nursing: Validity of the Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale in an Indian Context. Journal of Religion & Health62(3), 2131–2143.



This article discusses death and end of life decisions from a variety of religious viewpoints: 

  • Nayfeh, A., Yarnell, C. J., Dale, C., Conn, L. G., Hales, B., Gupta, T. D., Chakraborty, A., Pinto, R., Taggar, R., & Fowler, R. (2021). Evaluating satisfaction with the quality and provision of end-of-life care for patients from diverse ethnocultural backgrounds. BMC Palliative Care20(1), 1–11.
