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Trauma Disorders Guide

Journal Titles

Sample Articles

  • Brooks, S. K., & Greenberg, N. (2024). Recurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder: systematic review of definitions, prevalence and predictors. BMC Psychiatry24(1), 1–37.


  • Margolin, J. (2022). Applying the schema therapy approach of Edwards’ case of Kelly to patients with dissociative identity disorder (DID): the cases of Susie and Anna. PCSP: Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy18(3), 272–286.



  • Marsh, R. J., Dorahy, M. J., Butler, C., Middleton, W., de Jong, P. J., Kemp, S., & Huntjens, R. (2021). Inter-identity amnesia for neutral episodic self-referential and autobiographical memory in dissociative identity disorder: An assessment of recall and recognition. PLoS ONE16(2), 1–25.


  • McLean, C.P., Back, S.E., Capone, C., Morland, L., Morman, S.B., Rauch, S.A.M., Schnurr, P. P., Teng, E., Acierno, R. (2022).The impact of COVID-19 on psychotherapy participation among individuals With posttraumatic stress disorder enrolled in treatment research.  Journal of Traumatic Stress35(1), 308–313.
