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Visual Literacy - Evansville: Visual Literacy

A guide to visual literacy resources and services for the School of Fine Arts and Design

Visual Literacy Research

Visual literacy is the ability to read, interpret, and derive meaning from images and graphics.

  • Art Reference (CREDO Reference) -- Online reference books covering art, artists, designers, and more
  • Art & Architecture (Oxford Reference) -- Online reference books covering art, architecture, design, photography, and more
  • Oxford Art Online -- Full-text encyclopedia entries, images, biographies of artists, materials and techniques used by craftspeople from ancient to modern times, and more
  • Image Collection (EBSCO) -- A collection of photos, maps, and flags
  • Publication Finder -- A comprehensive, indexed database of all online journal titles available in full text. Search for a specific journal title or for titles related to a given subject or interest.

Carter Library Books

Guide to Databases

Copy and paste the following search term to get accurate and specific results in the following list of databases:

DE "Visual literacy"

Search Tips

Here are some useful tips to help you get the most out of your catalog and database searches. 

  • Start with a keyword search. Keyword searches will give you a broad range of results so you can see more of the types of information available.
  • Be sure to try multiple searches and search terms. Think of all the possible terms for a topic including alternate names, spellings, or abbreviations. 
  • Truncation allows you to search fo all possible endings to a root word. For example using Child* in the databases will find results that contain child, children, childhood, child's, etc. (In the catalog use a question mark: Child?)
  • When using IvyCat you can limit the results to local materials using the Location menu. Set it to Evansville for print and electronic materials or Region 12 for print only.
  • The databases Academic Search Premier, ERIC, and Profesional Development Collection are all owned by EBSCO. When you go in to any of these databases you can click on the blue Choose Databases link at the top of the page and select other databases to search all at the same time. This will slow the database down a bit, but can save you time in the long run. 


Useful Websites

Library Resources