The following databases are recommended for beginning your research on a topic.
Includes anatomical images and also links out to resources hosted by other creators such as the National Cancer Institute's Anatomy & Physiology tutorial
Extensive coverage of research and development within the applied sciences and computing disciplines with full text for almost 1,200 journals
Search back issues of scholarly journals in arts, humanities, and social science disciplines, as well as business, finance, and health science fields; capture titles that cross discipline boundaries. Dates from the 1700s on, with a lag of more than one year. Allows advanced searching. Now includes Artstor.
MEDLINE with Full Text provides the authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and pre-clinical sciences found on MEDLINE, plus the database provides full text for more than 1,470 journals indexed in MEDLINE.
Subscription & open-access journals in health and life sciences, engineering, physical sciences, and social sciences. Includes preprints. Recommended for advanced research.