Eleanor Moss
Instruction Librarian
Schedule Instruction
The library offers instruction, upon request, to faculty, staff, and students. Instruction may include a general introduction to the campus library as well as instruction in the use of specific resources. Use the form below to request an instruction session for your class. The Google Calendar linked at the top of the page shows available times for live sessions.
Request an Interlibrary-Loan
If we do not have the item you need, we will try to borrow it from another library for you. Use these convenient forms to request items.
Recommend Items for Purchase
The library welcomes suggestions for the purchase of new materials to meet the educational goals of the College. While it may not be possible to obtain all items suggested for purchase, every attempt will be made to accommodate the need. Use the form below to make a recommendation. We will let you know whether or not we were able to purchase the item.
Get an ALI Reciprocal Borrowing Card
The Academic Libraries of Indiana (ALI) is a consortium of 69 academic libraries in accredited non-profit colleges and universities in Indiana. The group includes major research libraries, law and medical libraries, theological school libraries, undergraduate libraries, and all of the Ivy Tech libraries.
All students, faculty, and staff members of Ivy Tech are entitled to an ALI Reciprocal Borrowing card which can be used to borrow materials from any of the ALI libraries.
If you would like to obtain a card:
For more information, visit the ALI Reciprocal Borrowing website.