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Electronic Books
Gender, Sex, and Sexuality among Contemporary Youth by Patricia Neff Claster (Editor); Sampson Lee Blair (Editor)Researchers, practitioners, and parents have increasingly become concerned about issues related to sex, gender, and sexuality among children and adolescents. With access to the Internet, young people around the globe can readily obtain virtually any and all information they seek concerning sex and sexuality. In many cultures, the clothing and fashions of children, adolescents, and young adults are increasingly merging, leaving little clear distinction between them, and creating what some consider to be the 'sexualization' of children's and adolescents' clothing. Coinciding with such changes, young people are more openly expressing their own gender identity, often leading to considerable social debate about feminine and masculine identities, and also transgender identities. This collection provides unique insight into identity formation for contemporary youth and examines the evolving norms concerning sex, gender, and sexuality in the lives of children and adolescents addressing topics including the development of gender identity, sexual behavior among youth, LGBT youth, transgender youth, parental and peer influences upon the development of gender and gender identity and dating violence.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central
ISBN: 9781787146143
Publication Date: 2017
The Classification of Sex: Alfred Kinsey and the Organization of Knowledge by Donna J. DruckerIn the Classification of Sex, Donna J. Drucker presents an original analysis of Kinsey's scientific career in order to uncover the roots of his research methods. She describes how his enduring interest as an entomologist and biologist in the compilation and organization of mass data sets structured each of his classification projects.
Call Number: EBSCO eBook Collection
ISBN: 9780822963035
Publication Date: 2014
Traversing Gender: Understanding transgender realities by Lee HarringtonIn this book , author Lee Harrington helps make the intimate discussions of gender available for everyone to understand. Bringing personal matters into the light of day, this reader-friendly resource is written for students, professionals, friends, and family members, as well as members of the transgender community itself.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central
ISBN: 9781942733812
Publication Date: 2016
Sexuality: A Very Short Introduction by Veronique MottierWhat shapes our sexuality? Is it a product of our genes, or of society, culture, and politics? How have concepts of sexuality and sexual norms changed over time? How have feminist theories, religion, and HIV/AIDS affected our attitudes to sex?Focusing on the social, political, and psychological aspects of sexuality, this Very Short Introduction, examines these questions and many more, exploring what shapes our sexuality, and how our attitudes to sex have in turn shaped the wider world.
The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University has been the trusted source for scientific knowledge and research on critical issues in sexuality, gender, and reproduction