There are a couple ways you can find articles through your library.
You can search IvyCat for print copies of magazines and journals in our collection.
You can also search for articles using our databases. You can see all our available databases on the A-Z list.
What's on this page?
On this page, you will see a narrowed-down list of recommended databases for your research.
There is also a separate page highlighting open access resources. These resources are openly available online.
Need help understanding how the research process works?
Click this link to see our "A Research IDEA" library guide: A Research IDEA
More than 1,200 reference works providing background information for topics ranging from agriculture to technology. Search within multiple sources using keywords, or browse topics in different subjects. Recommended for introductory research in all topics. Browse Subjects covered by Credo Reference.
A multi-disciplinary database containing professional and peer-reviewed titles
Extensive coverage of research and development within the applied sciences and computing disciplines with full text for almost 1,200 journals