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COMM 101 - Evansville: Speech 2 - Assignment Requirements

For Beth Katz's COMM 101 course

Five Goals of Informative Speeches

  1. Make your message clear and avoid jargon.
  2. Make your message accurate.
  3. Make your message vivid and memorable using descriptive words.
  4. Make your message interesting, keeping your audience's interests in mind.
  5. Relate old ideas to new ones!

Three Main Points

I.   Background

II.  Career

III. Legacy

Details to Keep in Mind

Fair Warning:  Late speeches will face 50% deduction in points


Length: 3:30 min. (3:00-4:00)


Value: 100 points

Speech 2: Influential Person


For this speech you have the option of choosing an individual or a group of people who have made contributions to society (whether positive or negative), and those who for one reason or another, we simply find compelling. The key is to be selective.  Build to a particular point and don’t just recite the facts.  In other words, choose a theme.  Focus on information that is not widely known about the person, such as his / her childhood or private hobby.  Organize chronologically or topically.  NOTE: When speaking about a person or a group, consider using descriptive words to “paint a picture” of your subject(s) for the audience.  In addition, to address the person or group’s significance, most likely you will rely on explanation. You will research the topic and present an informative, enlightening and entertaining speech to the class. 


Be prepared to do research because at least 3 sources are required for this speech.


  • Sources are to be found ONLY through Carter Library (either a book or from the libraries online databases.)
    o    You must verbally cite all of the sources in your speech,
    o    label  & highlight them in the outline, and
    o    attach a Works Cited page (MLA 7 format) to the outline.
    o    A dictionary does not count as 1 of the 3 sources, but if you use one to define a word, include the source on the Works Cited list.


Absolutely no Wikipedia sources are permitted.


Develop a “rough” outline.  A blank outline is posted on Blackboard under HANDOUTS. The “rough” outline is not required to be typed.  Use a pencil as you may make changes along the way, especially when reviewing the material with the instructor. (FYI: A sample student outline is also posted on Blackboard to aid you.)


At least 3 different forms of evidence must be discussed in the speech and labeled in the outline.  Forms of evidence may include:

  1. Testimony
  2. Examples
  3. Statistics
  4. Definitions/explanation
  5. Analogies
  6. Facts

Put the evidence in the outline under the appropriate point, and then label the type of evidence it is plus where it came from:

Example:  (Testimony, Jones) or (Statistic, FBI).


Day of Speech: In your 10 x 13 student presentation envelope, turn in:


  • FULL SENTENCE TYPED FINAL OUTLINE (clean & free of typo’s)
    • 15-point deduction will be given for a final outline that is not typed!
    o    Speech 2 EVALUATION FORM. (Find under SPEECH FOLDERS, Speech 2 folder.)
    o    Works Cited page
    o    Only 5 note cards permitted... One side only! Write key words or key phrases on cards and not full sentences! Give cards to the instructor immediately after speech.


Be prepared to give your speech on the date you are scheduled to speak.  Your classmates are counting on you to do your best!


To complete your Works Cited page, you may use: or NoodleTools.


Visual Aid:  A possible 3 points extra credit will be given to each who uses an appropriate visual aid. [Tip: Make a PowerPoint picture of your person / group! Don’t forget to include their name above or below the picture and put Source at the bottom left.]  Total of 4 slides permitted: Your name slate + 3 others.