1. Make your message clear and avoid jargon. (If you use jargon, define the terms!)
2. Make your message accurate – use research.
3. Make your message vivid and memorable using descriptive words.
4. Make your message interesting, keeping your audience’s interests in mind.
To inform is to teach someone something that you know. For this speech, you will pass on knowledge and increase the audience’s understanding about the relevant medical or health issue or action. You need to plan on giving your audience new information, new insights or new ways of thinking about a topic.
NOTE: The goal of an informative speech STOPS at providing the audience with knowledge about it. In other words, the informative speech seeks to “educate” whereas the persuasive speech “advocates.” Be careful with your language so you aren't persuasive. No "YOU" language is permitted. (Example: "If YOU have bad acne, YOU need to see a dermatologist!" Why?? That's persuasion!)
I. Signs and symptoms
II. Who is affected and why
III. Treatments and current research
Prepare a topical outline, which means you may rearrange the Main Points if you like. A topical outline contains three sub-topics about one BIG topic, and if you rearrange them it does not hurt the final message of the speech.
1. At least (4) sources. ABSOLUTELY NO Wikipedia.
· One source must be scholarly.
· Use Carter Library’s databases or books OR approved medical web sites. (SEE Do’s & Don’ts on Blackboard under Speech 3 Folder)
2. Choose a medical condition that is relevant to YOU or our community – the Ivy Tech or Evansville area community, or something on the state, national, or international level. Inform us (add to audience’s existing knowledge) - DO NOT persuade us. Choose something you are interested in learning more about or are passionate about. Keep in mind that if you pick a topic people already know a lot about, you have not fulfilled the requirement to inform. The key is to be selective. Build to a particular point and don’t just recite the facts.
3. In other words, choose a theme. Focus on information that is not widely known about the issue or action. Organize chronologically or topically. NOTE: When speaking, consider using descriptive words to “paint pictures” in the minds of your audience. In addition, to address the significance of the condition, most likely you will rely on explanation by providing examples, etc., also known as FORMS OF EVIDENCE…such as:
· Testimony |
· Definitions / Explanation |
· Examples |
· Analogies |
· Statistics |
· Facts |
Put the evidence in the outline under the appropriate point, and then label the type of evidence it is plus where it came from:
Example: (Testimony, Jones) or (Statistic, FBI).
· Label & highlight ALL sources on the outline.
· Verbally cite all sources.
· Attach Works Cited page.
4. Only (5) note cards permitted. Write only key words or key phrases on the cards and not full sentences!
5. Day of Speech: In 10 x 13 (or 9 x 12) student presentation envelope:
· FINAL FULL SENTENCE TYPED OUTLINE (clean & free of typo’s) No typed outline= No speech given= No grade earned.
· Speech 3 EVALUATION FORM. (Find under SPEECH FOLDERS, Speech 3 folder.)
· Works Cited page
· Only 5 note cards permitted... One side only! Write key words or key phrases on cards and not full sentences! Give cards to the instructor immediately after speech.
* Visual Aid: LIMIT of 5 slides (1 name slate + 4 others) (Bonus points up to 3 pts possible) if easily seen, effectively used, & appropriate to speech.
Length: 4:30 minutes (4:00-5:00)
Value: 200 points
Create a Works Cited page that is properly formatted based on MLA 7th edition (Modern Language Association) guidelines:
Any illustrations from a reference source MUST be included on your Works Cited page.
NOTE: This type of source is not to be one of the four required for the speech.