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Streaming Videos & Podcasts - Indianapolis: Free Podcasts & Sound Recordings

American Memory

American Memory from the Library of Congress contains historical sound recording collections including American music, oral histories and speeches.

Library of Congress Podcasts

Library of Congress podcasts include speakers from the National Book Festival, slave narratives, and music and the brain.

NPR Podcast Directory

The NPR Podcast Directory allows you to listen to episodes of National Public Radio programs. Browse by topic, title or program.

Podcasts at CDC

The Center for Disease Control provides podcasts on health and safety information.

Supreme Court Landmarks

The Supreme Court Landmarks podcast series features U.S. Supreme Court cases that have made and continue to make an impact on American life. Learn about the background of the court case, the key arguments, and final decision. Each month, a new case is posted. 

Naxos (Library Database)

Education Podcasts

Education Podcasts links to podcasts from universities, colleges, students, teachers -- everyone who uses podcasting to learn and to teach others. Browse the podcast collection or keyword search.

iTunes U

Apple's iTunes U offers more than 350,000 free lectures, videos and films from over 800 universities around the world. (This resource requires the use of iTunes software.)

Mayo Clinic Podcasts

Mayo Clinic provides podcasts about medical and health issues. Browsable by subject or date. Podcasts

The New York Podcasts cover a variety of topics including science, business, music, books, and technology.

Scientific American Podcasts

Scientific American provides to 1-minute podcasts on a variety of topics in science including space, technology, and brain research.
