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East Central: Automotive Technology: Find Books

Subject Headings

Most libraries assign Library of Congress Subject Headings to items in their catalogs. These can help you get good results when searching "By Subject."  Some examples:

Automobiles - Maintenance and repair
Automobiles - Air conditioning
Automobiles - Bearings
Automobiles, Electric
Mechanic certification
Muscle cars
Automobile racing
Automotive gas turbines
Automotive sensors
Transportation, Automotive

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Electronic Books

Below you will find a sample of the many full-text electronic books that are available on IvyCat. Click on the titles to access these books.

To access the full ebook and print book collection at Ivy Tech, go to IvyCat here.

Find Books in Other Libraries

  • WorldCat--search joint catalog of libraries from around the world. (To see local holdings or make interlibrary loan requests (borrow from other libraries), choose your campus location for WorldCat: Anderson; Marion; Muncie
    For a quick search, use the search box below:

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  • InterLibrary Loan
    Once you have a citation for a book from Worldcat or elsewhere you may request the book through the Libraries' interlibrary loan service. When using WorldCat, look for a link called: "Ivy Tech Anderson-Marion-Muncie: Click here to borrow this item from another library (Interlibrary Loan)" and fill out your request online. 
    • Find out more about this service from library staff, or see the Interlibrary loan section of our library site in Campus Connect: About My Library > Services > Interlibrary Loan to learn more about guidelines for this service. (We are not able to fill all requests; we cannot get textbooks, for example, and not more than 1-2 items at a time.)
    • If the book you want is owned by another Ivy Tech campus library (we can get them faster). 

Subject Guide

Library Reference Books

Reference Books -- typically provide basic information such as additional sources of information, biographical sketches and details, definitions or statistical information. Reference books do not circulate; they must be used in the library. Of course, the ebooks in this category are available 24x7.