Images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences. The orange "Enter Here" button in the top right of the screen will automactically direct mobile users to the ARTstor mobile site. (Mobile users will need to register for an ARTstor account through the standard interface and use that account to log into the mobile interface.)
The Chronicle of Higher Education Online
Source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. (Mobile users will be automatically directed to the Chronicle mobile interface and will be given the option to switch back to standard view.)
EBSCOhost Mobile Academic
Mobile interface to selected EBSCO databases provided by GALILEO. Offers limited functionality such as basic searching, HTML & PDF full text, multi-database searching, image quick view, and more. (Off campus users will be prompted for their GALILEO password.)
JSTOR Mobile (Beta)
Full-text access to back issues of scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences and sciences. (The mobile interface is a separate website from the standard JSTOR interface, and is very beta. Off-campus access may be unreliable.)
Lexis Nexis Academic Mobile
Provides a quick news, business, or legal search for users on the go. While not all of the content in the full LexisNexis Academic version is accessible through the mobile interface, basic searches can be executed quickly and easily. (The mobile interface is a separate website so tablet users may prefer the standard interface.)
JSTORSearch the archives of core scholarly journals in the arts, humanities, social sciences and sciences. JSTOR now has a Mobile beta website that allows you to search for and discover articles from your mobile device. The Mobile website was designed as a discovery service that helps you find articles and then email the citation to yourself so you can view the full article later from a computer. If you would like to view the articles on your mobile device, it does also have a zoom feature that allows you to zoom into specific pages if you are on an authenticated network address. Visit on your mobile device and start discovering new articles today from any location! For more help, please visit the JSTOR website. |
Gale PowerSearchGale's free AccessMyLibrary College app for Apple and Android devices provides you with access to all of Ivy Tech Library's Gale databases directly from your mobile device. First, you need to download the app onto your device from either Apple's App Store or the Android Market. When you open the app for the first time, choose the state "Indiana" and then choose "Ivy Tech Community College" as your school. On the next screen enter your Campus Connect email address. Gale will immediately send you a password to that e-mail address. Enter the password in the app and you will unlock unlimited access to all of the Gale databases from the Library. |
ProQuest Goes MobileNow, you can access your ProQuest research databases on the mobile web, anytime, anywhere, from the device of your choice. |
Natural Standards Mobile
Chronicle of Higher Education OnlineMobile site Source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators.