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The Anderson Learning Center: Help is Here!

You are capable of amazing things!

Ivy Tech - Anderson Cares!

If you have a personal barrier, food insecurity, or concerns related to housing, mental health, financial, textbooks or child care, etc., we do have resources. Please email, and a member of our IvyCares team will follow up with you on how we might help to provide support.

To schedule an appointment with Advising, Disability Support Services, Express Enrollment, Financial Aid or IvyCares, go to IvyAdvising to pick a time to meet with that staff member in your network. If you need additional support with scheduling, have general inquiries or to contact any other office within Student Affairs, please call 765-643-7133 where an operator will be available Monday through Friday 8-5 PM or email

Ivy Tech Anderson has launched a partnership with United Way’s THRIVE network. We will have by appointment an onsite THRIVE network coach for student support related to emergency needs, housing, healthcare and/or work referrals. To schedule an appointment with our THRIVE coach, Jackie Washington, email her at

East Lynn Food Pantry

East Lynn Food Pantry Information

522 East 53rd ST  Anderson, IN 46013

PH: 765-643-7415

Hours of Operation: Wed 12:00 pm -2:00 pm

Intake Procedure: Walk in. Use the east entrance of the building -- Numbers are distributed starting at 10:00 am; take a number and await turn. -- DURING COVID-19 CRISIS DRIVE THRU ONLY. DRIVE TO EAST SIDE OF BUILDING.

Eligibility Requirements: Not received assistance from this pantry in the past 30 days

Tailgate Food Pantry - Madison County

Tailgate Food Pantry - Madison County - Old Kmart Parking Lot provided by Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana


Provides food to area persons in need through a monthly Second Harvest mobile pantry.

PH: 765-287-8698

Second Harvest Food Bank Website

Intake Procedure: Drive through.

Eligibility Requirements: Open (limit three families per vehicle)

211 Indiana

Helping Hoosiers live better

211 Indiana is a free and confidential service that helps Hoosiers across Indiana find the local resources they need. Dial 2-1-1 to connect with a navigator. We're here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Need Categories:

  • Food & Clothing
  • Mental Health & Addiction
  • Health Care
  • Housing & Utility Assistance
  • Education & Employment
  • Children & Family
  • Tax Assistance

East Lynn Food Pantry

620 East 21st Street, Anderson IN, 46016

Our Mission

Operation Love Ministries, Inc., reaches out as the hands and feet of Christ in Madison County to provide tangible goods and services to those in need.




PH: 765-644-2121

Agency Business Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:00 am-11:30 am and 1:00 pm-3:30 pm

Food & Goods Pantries

Client Choice Food Pantry:

Provides food to persons in need. Clients make their own selections from available items, which usually include fresh produce, meat, and dairy. Cleaning products, paper products, and over-the-counter medications are sometimes available. Limited service area.

Wed 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. shop a selection of donated items including dry goods, canned goods, fresh produce and dairy (as available), frozen items, baked goods, and more

Bring the following:

  • Adults: photo ID & piece of mail,
  • Children: any official documentation (such as a birth certificate, social security card, school registration paperwork, enrollment documents from aid programs, etc.)

The 2020 client choice food pantry runs from January 8th through December 2nd. The last of these pantries for the year will be December 2nd, due to Christmas meal box distribution (pre-registration in October required).

Emergency Food Box

A small box of pre-selected items designed to provide a few meals until the next scheduled area pantry is available.

Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Intake Procedure: Photo ID and proof of address

Eligibility Requirements: Emergency food is only available if no other pantries are open or the family in need lives within local neighborhood and has transportation issues (one visit per year limit). 

Bonus Food Pantry:
1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. each 3rd Thursday of the month, except for December
(December’s bonus pantry will be the 2nd Wednesday)

Shop a limited selection of items including dry goods, canned goods, frozen items, and miscellaneous through OLM’s participation of the government TEFAP food distribution. No ID or proof of residency required for this pantry distribution.

Clothing & Goods Pantry:
Shop a selection of donated clothing & coats of all sizes, along with housewares such as place settings, sheets and blankets, and more

Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
(by appointment)

Items needed: Photo ID for each adult, proof of need (call 765-644-2121 for details)

Salvation Army Anderson Food Pantry

Food Pantry provided by Salvation Army Anderson

1615 Meridian Street, Anderson IN, 46016

Provides food monthly to persons in need. Limited service area.

PH: 765-644-2538

Hours of Operation: Monthly - Last Tues 9:00 am-1:00 pm

Intake Procedure: Walk in.

Park Place Church of God Food Pantry

Food Pantry provided by Park Place Church of God

802 East 5th Street, Anderson IN, 46012

Provides food to persons in need. Limited service area.

PH: 765-374-4662

Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 12:30 pm-2pm; Thurs 6:30 pm-7:30 pm

Intake Procedure: Walk in; use entrance from parking lot off of Cottage Avenue.

Eligibility Requirements: Limit one visit every other week