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Agriculture - Fort Wayne

To use the web soil survey tool, first define your Area of Interest: on the AOI tab, choose Indiana from the dropdown menu, then select the county from the list. (Alternatively, you can draw an AOI on the map.) 

Then use the Soil Map and Soil Data Explorer tabs to find the information you need. NOTE: reports display below the map and may require scrolling down the page.

This source has a variety of maps. Click Select Map to Display on the left side to select a map. Click State Zoom to view a single state. 

What information is included in the Atlas?

Food Choices—Indicators of the community's access to and acquisition of healthy, affordable food, such as: access and proximity to a grocery store; number of food stores and restaurants; expenditures on fast foods; food and nutrition assistance program participation; food prices; food taxes; and availability of local foods.

Health and Well-Being—Indicators of the community's success in maintaining healthy diets, such as: food insecurity; diabetes and obesity rates; and physical activity levels.

Community Characteristics—Indicators of community characteristics that might influence the food environment, such as: demographic composition; income and poverty; population loss; metro-nonmetro status; natural amenities; and recreation and fitness centers.