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Ivy Tech Fort Wayne Digital Archive

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Anna Brinegar
260-482-9171 ext. 2450


We hope this digital collection will share and preserve the history of Ivy Tech Fort Wayne. These images were collected during Ivy Tech Fort Wayne's 50th Anniversary celebrations in 2019. The images were taken between 1970 and 1999 and feature students, instructors, and faculty. During this time the college was known as Indiana Vocational Technical College and Ivy Tech State College. 

Add to our collection

You can help us grow our collection. If you would like to donate photographs of students, instructors, or events at Ivy Tech Community College Fort Wayne, fill out this form. We can accept items associated with the Fort Wayne campus.

We also need help adding detail to our photograph descriptions. If you recognize a person or event in one of our photographs, contact us so we can add this information to our archive. Thanks!

Click the images below to view collections within the archives.

Classrooms and students 1978
Automotive and Data Entry Departments, date unknown
1985 Three Rivers Festival Float
1993 Commencement Ceremony
1994 Commencement Ceremony
1998 Commencement Ceremony
coliseum campus expansion dedication 1981
coliseum campus expansion dedication 1997
culinary arts winter banquet 1984
Recruitment Event, date unknown