The Ivy Tech Indianapolis librarians have curated guides for different subjects and courses. These guides are the best place to start your research since they offer suggestions on which databases to search first, links to web resources, and books and e-resources associated with particular topics.
Consider starting your research process by browsing the Library Guide landing page. You can search for library guides by:
Articles are published in periodicals (publications that are issued on a regular or "periodic" basis, like magazines and newspapers). Periodicals can be separated into two groups: Scholarly and Popular.
Types of Periodicals & Why to Consider Using Them:
Scholarly Journals provide in-depth, authoritative information. They are generally published on a monthly or quarterly basis. Scholarly journals:
Popular Magazines / Newspapers can provide useful information. They are generally published on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, but require students to consider certain characteristics before using them as sources. Magazines and newspapers:
How to Search for Articles:
Consider Using Books For:
Print vs. E-Book Options:
How to Search for Books:
Understanding Search Engines:
Search engines like Google or Bing search within its own index of webpages to match the keywords you enter, then offers a listing of "hits" to these webpages. Keep the following things in mind when looking at online search results:
Understanding URL Domains:
Websites end with different domains, which communicates about the type of information that can be found on the website and its general level of credibility.
A primary source is a document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study. These sources were present during an experience or time period and offer an inside view of a particular event.
Types of Primary Sources:
Recommended Ivy Tech Databases to Search for Primary Sources:
This website is freely available to all students and educators. This curated selection of primary sources is designed for teaching and learning about the struggles and triumphs of Black Americans.
Unique and comprehensive collection of art masterpieces of all varieties, eras, and cultures. Entries: 66,919 Images: 66,934 People: 33,040
Covers the who, how, and why of American government through primary and secondary sources, plus maps, graphs, images, and many other formats
Full text for thousands of primary source documents and informational texts. Designed for secondary schools, public libraries, junior/community colleges and undergraduate research.
Digital images of Indiana's historic newspapers
Access to the wealth of primary sources in Indiana libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions; includes digitized books, manuscripts, photographs, newspapers, maps, and other media
View maps & photographs; read letters, diaries & newspapers; hear personal accounts of events; listen to sound recordings & watch historic films
Vast catalog of streaming music selections with emphasis on Classical. Access individual works or playlists
Catalog of audiobooks, includes fiction, non-fiction, poetry, political speeches, etc.
Streaming videos of classical music performances, operas, ballets, and music documentaries. Also tours of world cultural heritage sites.
This database from the New York Public Library provides free access to thousands of digital materials including prints, photographs, maps, manuscripts, streaming video, and more.
Scholarly articles, News articles and Audio-visual content, Opinions, Primary sources, Reference, and Websites on topics of social interest. Scholarly content and general reader. Recommended for argumentative research.
Overview articles, opinions, some primary sources, presenting multiple sides of topical issues. Browse topics or keyword search. Designed for argumentative research.