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Submission Guidelines

Ink Cloud 2025

All submissions of original poetry, short stories, and artwork were accepted until November 17th 2025.

Submission Requirements:

  1. Poetry, short stories, or art must be your original work and new to Ink Cloud.
  2. Poet, writer, or artist must be a current Fort Wayne or Warsaw Ivy Tech student, staff or faculty member.
  3. Poetry and short stories must be in (Word) .docx or (Adobe) .pdf format. 
    Please do not send us screenshots of social media posts.
  4. Participants may submit up to 3 poems, 1 short story (1000 max. word count) and 2 pieces of visual artwork (including photographs, paintings, drawings, and digital art).
    Please do not send us AI generated art.

Questions or suggestions? Please reach out to Library Assistant, Ryan Wierbiki:

Submission Form