If a book or periodical (article) is not available through our library, we will try to get the material from another library. Usually, there is no charge for interlibrary loan (ILL) for Ivy Tech students, faculty or staff. (You will be notified beforehand if a fee is required). The Library reserves the right to limit the number of items patrons may request (and we do not make ILL requests for textbooks).
First, check IvyCat to see if the book you want is owned by another Ivy Tech library (or available as an ebook). If the book is available at another Ivy Tech library or a library outside Ivy Tech, one can make an ILL request with this online form: request a book from another library. If the book you want is not owned by an Ivy Tech library, we can still usually get it, though it may take a little longer (about 2 weeks). The more information you provide about the book, the quicker we can find and request it.
If you need an article that is not available in one of our online subscription periodical databases (ask for help if needed, to determine this), contact the library to see if we can acquire the article for you.
Lending Agreement - Academic Libraries of Indiana (ALI)
The South Bend - Elkhart campus library is a member of the Academic Libraries of Indiana (ALI). This allows us to create borrower's cards so that the holder can check out materials at other ALI member libraries. If you are interested, come to the library to talk with a librarian about a card.
Special note should be given to Indiana public colleges and universities, some of which allow any resident of the state to check out items with a valid state ID or driver's license.
ALI borrower's cards do not allow access to online resources.