News, Trade, and Academic sources focused on business. Less than two weeks delay. Includes Company and Industry profiles. Recommended for research at all levels.
Reference books covering all aspects of business and finance.
Sponsored by the US Department of Labor -- "Explore careers, wage & salary information, education & training and more"
More than 1,200 reference works providing background information for topics ranging from agriculture to technology. Search within multiple sources using keywords, or browse topics in different subjects. Recommended for introductory research in all topics. Browse Subjects covered by Credo Reference.
A guide to traveling the world featuring information on embassies, business, societies, culture, food, education, and much more.
Search back issues of scholarly journals in arts, humanities, and social science disciplines, as well as business, finance, and health science fields; capture titles that cross discipline boundaries. Dates from the 1700s on, with a lag of more than one year. Allows advanced searching. Includes some open-access Artstor materials.
EBSCO Management Collection is designed to meet the diverse information needs of today's companies, full text articles from nearly 1,200 quality magazines and journals.
O*NET Online is a great tool for job analysis and career exploration with detailed descriptions of skill sets and career data.
Reference works, Scholarly journals, Trade publications, and important General interest magazines covering core academic subject areas. Help Guide available.
Regional Business News incorporates coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
Research diverse perspectives, topics and trends that align with areas of study such as Business, Health, Criminal Justice, Science, Humanities, Political Science and more. Features reliable, credible information from a wide variety of international, national and local news sources. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.
Resources include sample business plans, how-to guides, articles, websites and more. Also available in a standard search interface.
Access to specific magazines and journals online can be accessed for free through the Ivy Tech Library. Some accounting related examples are as follows:
To browse the selection further, click here or use the "Journals by Title" feature in the Discover! search box.
Current and back issues of magazines and journals held by the library in print format may be found on display racks in the Periodicals section of the Terre Haute campus library.
Magazines and journals can only be used in the library, but a copy machine is located by the Circulation Desk.
Google Scholar results are now linking to library databases!
We don't recommend it as your first or only step in research --
but can be a useful tool to find scholarly articles available at Ivy Tech:
New to using Google Scholar? Start here (guide).