Welcome to the LibGuide for Education! In the boxes below, find articles, books, and reference materials covering various aspects of education. On the additional tabs above, find links to websites covering children's literature, early childhood education, and elementary & secondary education.
Articles from Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers
A multi-disciplinary database containing professional and peer-reviewed titles
The premier source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty, staff and administrators. Includes an archive of past issues. Recommended for educators.
Search multiple EBSCO databases including Academic Search Complete, Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition, and more.
Defaults to Academic Search Complete, click on “Searching:” above the search boxes to select additional databases.
Index of journal articles, reports, conference papers and other materials relating to education; many peer-reviewed, many full text. Includes the What Works Clearinghouse of practices reviewed for standards of evidence. Search using standard EBSCO interface, use the direct link for advanced searching options. Recommended for research in Education at all levels.
Scholarly articles, News articles and Audio-visual content, Opinions, Primary sources, Reference, and Websites on topics of social interest. Scholarly content and general reader. Recommended for argumentative research.
Reference works, Scholarly journals, Trade publications, and important General interest magazines covering core academic subject areas. Help Guide available.
Now linking to Ivy Tech resources: See Using Google Scholar guide for Ivy Tech search help |
Books and Ebooks