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First Generation College Student Needs

Note on Syllabi

The sections below are examples from a recent course syllabus. They will highlight the main sections from a course syllabus you will need to pay attention to. The first is your instructor's name, contact information, and office hours. If you need clarification on an assignment, to reach out if you are sick, etc, make sure you have their contact information handy, and are familiar with their office hours.

Your Instructor's Information

This section introduces you to your instructor including:

A. Their name and campus location

B. Where they received their educational credentials

C. Contact information if you need to ask them brief questions

D. Times and Locations for when you can meet with them to discuss in depth assignment or class questions, or to get to know them better.

Name: Gayle O'Connor, MBA
Phone Number: (219) 476-4750
Email (Ivy Tech Email):
Office/Campus Location: Valparaiso
Office Hours:

     Tuesday (In Person) 4:30 - 5:30 CT in D121 on the Valparaiso Campus   (Aug 29th - Oct. 10)

     Wednesday (Zoom) 4:30 - 6 p.m. CT | 5:30 - 7 ET  (Aug 23 - Oct. 11)Links to an external site.

     Other Times by appointment: Contact to request an appointment 

Course Policies & Procedures

This section is important since it tells you:

A. Where your class is located i.e. Room assignment or Virtual

B. Information on when assignments are due 

C. Where your professor will be leaving assignment feedback and grades

Instructional Method

This is an online distance learning course. Each week’s assignments are summarized on the calendar, accessed from the Calendar button in IvyLearn. Learning activities can be found within the Modules area of the course. It takes a great deal of discipline, self-motivation, and effective time management skills to successfully complete an online course. Many students find it helpful to set aside specific times each week to work on course assignments.


All grades will be maintained in IvyLearn’s online grade book. Students are responsible for tracking their progress by referring to the online grade book. Students can generally expect to receive grades and feedback within seven days of the assignment's due date. If exceptions occur, the instructor may notify students of changes to this expectation.

Due Dates & Deadlines

The Syllabus and Calendar are two important tools to help students understand the course, student and instructor expectations, and deadlines. Both tools can be found in IvyLearn. The Calendar can be accessed from the main navigation area on the left-hand side of IvyLearn.

Students are required to submit work on time for a chance to receive credit. Deadlines for each week/assignment are summarized on the calendar. Students should check the calendar frequently for deadlines and to be aware of what to expect next. Deadlines are listed in Eastern Time and are subject to change. If you are in a time zone other than Eastern, please read how to update your time zone.Links to an external site.

Course Outline of Record

This section includes information on:

A. Classes required before enrolling in this course

B. How many Credit Hours each class is worth

C. A basic description of the class for students interested in taking it

D. The main ideas the class will explore and knowledge each student will be expected to demonstrate by the end of the semester


COURSE TITLE: Integrated Microsoft Office Applications
PREREQUISITES: Demonstrated competency through appropriate assessment or earning a grade of “C” or better in ENGL 083 Reading Strategies for College and ENGL 093 Introduction to College Writing, or ENGL 095 Integrated Reading and Writing or ENGL 075 Co-Requisite Integrated Reading and Writing and MATH 023 Essentials of Algebra or MATH 080 Mathematics Principles.
SCHOOL: Business, Logistics, and Supply Chain
PROGRAM: Business Operations, Applications, and Technology

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Emphasizes the identification and practice of the appropriate use of technology to communicate and solve business problems and aid in decision-making. Focuses primary attention on developing business problem-solving skills and decision-making skills using Excel. Also explores the advanced integration features associated with Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint.

MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be expected to:

  1. Explain the purpose of information systems to support organizations and enhance productivity.
  2. Explain the physical components and operation of microcomputers.
  3. Utilize word processing software.
  4. Employ spreadsheet capabilities, functions, and skills to solve business problems.
  5. Employ database capabilities, functions, and skills to solve business problems.
  6. Utilize presentation software.
  7. Explain the difference between computer operating systems and user software programs.
  8. Identify when to use appropriate features within a software application.
  9. Utilize internet applications and “cloud” technologies in business situations.
  10. Utilize collaboration technologies.
  11. Explain security goals, response to threats, and safeguards.
  12. Discuss issues related to the ethical use of information technology.

Required Text & Materials

This section tells you:

A. What books, technology, and other materials are needed to participate in the class, and how to buy them.

Title: Shelly Cashman Series Microsoft Office 365 & Office 2021 Intermediate (with Cengage MindTap powered by SAM)
Author: Shaffer, Pinard, Shellman, Vodnik, Carey, Cable, Freund, Monk, Sebok, Starks, Vermaat 
Edition: 1st Edition
Publisher: Cengage 

Title: Technology for Success : Computer Concepts
Author:  Campbell/Ciampa/Clemens/Freund/Frydenberg/Hooper/R
Edition: 1st Edition, 2020
Publisher: Cengage 

This course uses digital materials provided by Cengage MindTap powered by SAM. You can access your materials by going to the course modules. Within your course, look for the “Start Here To Access SAM/MindTap for BOAT207'' prompt. You will be prompted to set up or log in to a Cengage account before accessing your materials. The second textbook listed here (Technology for Success) has just a few chapters integrated directly into the modules.

If you prefer using print materials, you can obtain a print copy through the Low-Cost Print Option program. However, you may still need to work through the digital course materials to receive points for some assignments. 

Low-cost Print Options (or Loose-leaf Print) Available to Students

As a part of the Ivy+ program, students with digital textbooks have access to optional print materials (print or loose-leaf). These materials are available for students who would like a physical copy of the course materials that are delivered digitally. To order a low-cost print option, visit the Barnes & Noble Ivy Tech website. For questions about Ivy+ Print Options, please contact the Barnes & Noble team.

Office 365 Software Requirements

A Windows-based PC with minimum Office 365 requirements is required; it is highly recommended for successful completion of the course that a PC and NOT a MAC be used. Chromebooks will NOT work. Microsoft Office 365 software is required. Microsoft Office 365 can be downloaded by clicking on this link and following the instructions: Mcrosoft Offfice 365 Off Campus Installation InstructionsLinks to an external site. 

The Microsoft Office download is a one-year subscription that can be renewed as long as you are an Ivy Tech student. Microsoft Office 365 software and PCs are available to all Ivy Tech students in the Ivy Tech student labs and in the library on your local campus.

Course Communication

This section tells you in depth details of:

A. How your teacher would like to be reached if you have questions i.e. through email, inbox in IvyLearn, or alternative methods

B. How often you will be contacted by the instructor

C. Information on how to set up notifications for important class updates.

Instructor Commitment

Ivy Tech Community College instructors are committed to responding to students’ written inquiries sent via the Inbox tool in IvyLearn (instructions below), within 36 hours, including weekends. Students can expect to receive weekly course-wide communications from their instructor.


All students must use the "Inbox" feature of IvyLearn for course-related communications. Using the Inbox, students can send and receive messages (sometimes referred to as "conversations") from within IvyLearn. The Inbox conversations must be initiated through IvyLearn but can be replied to via email. Please check your Inbox frequently.

Read Canvas Guides on how to access InboxLinks to an external site. (send and receive). These Canvas Guides will provide you with the necessary information to get started with the Inbox within IvyLearn.


IvyLearn has a robust notification system that students can opt to use to receive course notifications for many course activities and events such as new announcements, due dates, and grade updates. Students can receive those notifications via many different channels including text messages and are highly encouraged to customize their notifications. Learn more about notifications like how to setup and customizeLinks to an external site..

Assignments & Grading

This section explains:

A. The various types of assignments you will need to complete to pass the class such as Papers, Group Presentations, and Tests

B. Information on preferred Citation Styles for when you need to credit ideas you have quoted in Academic Papers

C. Walkthroughs of how your instructor grades each assignment: some teachers prefer to have each assignment worth the same number of points; others divide class points based on how important each assignment is.

D. Walkthroughs on how class points transfer into letter grades for both individual assignments and final class grades.

Types of Assignments

Discussion Board

The discussion board is used to simulate classroom discussion. Each student will be responsible for responding to the prompt for that discussion and then replying to the specified number of other students as stated in the discussion instructions and the rubric, which can be found in each discussion under "Show Rubric" in the three dot menu.

Cloud Computing Assignment

There will be one Cloud Computing assignment on how to facilitate Google Drive and docs. Students will watch a video tutorial and then complete the assignment in IvyLearn.

Word References Assignment

There is one assignment utilizing the References feature (APA format) in Microsoft Word. Students will watch a video tutorial on the References feature and then complete the assignment in IvyLearn. After completing the Word References assignment, students will watch a YouTube video on peer reviews. After watching the YouTube video, students will complete a peer review on a classmate's paper. 

PowerPoint Presentation Assignment

There will be one PowerPoint assignment that incorporates various PowerPoint features into one presentation. Students will watch a video tutorial and then create a presentation from within IvyLearn.

SAM Training, Exams, & Projects

The Cengage MindTap powered by SAM (Skills Assessment Manager) training and assessment software used in this course is a web-based program offering an interactive method for learning and assessment.  You will complete trainings and projects in the SAM program. Instructions for all assignments and other information are in the current class module in Ivy Learn. The SAM trainings and projects will be automatically graded, and the grades posted to the grade book in Ivy Learn. Due dates for these assignments are on the course calendar (in the Calendar tool in Ivy Learn).  Points will not be given for assignments submitted after the deadline dates.

How is my grade calculated?


Point Distribution

Assignment Type




Intro/Discussion Board




Cloud Computing




Trainings in SAM




Exams in SAM




Projects in SAM










Grading Scale

Letter Grade










