The cafe is named after Robert Kelty, adjunct faculty in Hospitality from November 1985; Business Division Chair from March 13th, 1999; Dean School of Public Affairs and Social Services from 2000; Died August 22 2011.
The Melvin L. Curtis or Bud Curtis awards for academic excellence are given at Ivy Tech Fort Wayne graduation. The award was renamed after Melvin L. Curtis in 1992. A tool and die maker at General Electric, and president of the machinists' union, Curtis was chair of the Region 03 Board of Trustees and Charter Member of the Regional Board of Trustees.
In Fall 1996, the traditional two-day Fall Break in October was changed. Days were added to the Thanksgiving break to extend it to include the Wednesday before, and Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day (Oh Three, 19 November 1996, p. 1).
Secretarial on the Move: “Technology continues to make a big impact on the Secretarial Department. The most visible change to date will take place during the quarter break when 18 typewriters in the basic typing lab will be replaced with IBM Personal Computers. Beginning this Spring all advanced typing courses will be taught on computers … however, you do not have to be in the Secretarial Department to benefit from these courses. Bob Faulkner and his wife are making sure technology doesn’t pass them by, by taking Keyboarding.” (O3, Feb. 3, 1987)
June 1st, 1995: Indiana Vocational Technical College officially became Ivy Tech State College. The name change was authorized by the State Legislature in the previous session. (Journal Gazette, 1 June 1995)
Ivy Tech Fort Wayne's collection of objects kept because of their historical interest, especially those associated with memorable people or events.
Major Ivy Tech Fort Wayne milestones. We started with 131 students in the third floor of Concordia high school. Since then we’ve grown exponentially with an 11 county service area, nearly 16,000 students, and operate out of 9 buildings in Fort Wayne alone!
Past and present Ivy Tech Fort Wayne faculty publications including academic journal articles, newspaper articles, books, dissertations and more.
Ivy Tech Fort Wayne was built on connections to the community. Learn about our history of community partnerships, organizations, important people, and more.
Interesting links, databases, resources lists, books, publications, etc. Articles about Ivy Tech Fort Wayne, news from the past, and so on.