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Michigan City Guides & Tutorials

General Research Guides

Learn how to find materials in the library databases with these general research guides.

Subject Guides

Use these guides to help you research topics and complete assignments in a subject. 

Database Guides

Use these guides to learn how to navigate each database. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the library


  • New! CREDO Instruct - Ivy Tech Library Information Literacy tutorials made up of a pre and post test and six modules with quizzes. The topics range from basic research skills, selecting and evaluating resources, and citation skills. This resource will replace IvyTILT.
  • IvyTilt (Ivy Tech Information Literacy Tutorial) -- Six interactive modules introduce you to the research process at Ivy Tech. This tutorial is being phased out. 
  • Evaluating Web Information -  From the University of California - Berkeley Library, this tutorial will help you in evaluating any source. ​
  • Google Search Tips - This tutorial will show you how to search Google like a pro!