Immigrants in Indiana - Mexico: Home



Most Mexicans speak Spanish and the country is the world’s most populous Spanish-speaking country. Despite this, the government recognizes 68 indigenous languages as well.


More than half of Mexico’s population is mestizo, having a mixed ancestry that includes European—often Spanish—and indigenous groups. Mestizo also includes African and Asian ethnicities, though to a lesser degree. Amerindians, also called Native Americans, comprise the next largest ethnicity, and the remainder of the population is white, meaning European. The rich mix of cultures derives from the country’s colonial period, with some of Mexico’s indigenous groups including the Nahuas, Otomis, Mayas, Zapotecs, Tzeltales, and Tzotziles.


The official currency is the Mexican peso.

Since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) began in 1994, manufacturing has become the country’s top industry (automotive, aerospace, electronics, and medical device). Other industries are tobacco, petroleum, tourism, and mining.

Nearly half the population lives in poverty, and lacks a proper infrastructure.  The country needs to modernize labor laws and tax systems.


The government is a federal presidential republic with three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. A president appoints a cabinet and serves as chief of state, head of government, and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The president is limited to a single, six-year term and is elected by a majority popular vote.

Bicameral National Congress (Congreso de la Union) -  composed of the Senate (Camara de Senadores) and Chamber of Deputies (Camara de Diputados).  

Judicial bodies - the Supreme Court of Justice (Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nacion), with 11 justices and a chief justice, and the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary, with seven judges including a court president. Lower courts include circuit, collegiate, and unitary courts, while the country’s 31 states have state and district courts as well.

National Flower


Dahlia is an important plant in the world as pot plant and cut flower, it is native to Mexico, were it is a source of food, medicine and ornamental value.  In 1963 it was declared as the National Flower of Mexico.


Where is Mexico?

Mexico flag

Land and Climate

Capital: Mexico City 

Mexico’s landscape is diverse, from tropical jungles with mangrove forests and fertile valleys, to dry deserts, volcanic plateaus, and snow-capped mountains.   Mexico's diverse geography includes distinct flora and fauna. 26,000 types of flora can be found in Mexico. Sycamore trees, ferns, orchids, bromeliads, palms, cacti, and poinsettia also thrive in Mexico. The country is home to hundreds of reptiles, amphibians, and mammals, including armadillo, puma, bear, boar, and several species of monkeys. The country has several protected areas, accounting for 170,000 square kilometers (65,637 square miles) and includes 34 biosphere reserves and 64 national parks.

Pico de Orizaba via wikiPico de Orizaba

Towering 18,406 feet (5,610 meters) above sea level, the Pico de Orizaba’s symmetrical snowcapped cone is the third highest peak in North America.  The volcano has been dormant since 1687.





Sierra MadreSierra Madre

Is a mountain system that consists of the Sierra Madre Occidental to the west, the Sierra Madre Oriental to the east, and the Sierra Madre del Sur to the south.  The ranges enclose the great central Mexican Plateau.







Most of the country has warm temperatures, though northern regions have colder winters while the average temperature in the south is between 24 and 28 degrees Celsius (75–82 degrees Fahrenheit). Hot and humid conditions prevail along the coast,  Mexico’s rainy season lasts from June to mid-October, with July typically the wettest month and February the driest.


Mexico's climate map

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