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History Collection And Resources Guide - Valparaiso

Documents of the American Civil War

Academic Video Online - The American Civil War and Reconstruction

Academic Video Online- Civil War Battlefields

Kanopy- Important Documents and Speeches of the American Civil War

Kanopy- Ken Burns: the Address

Academic Video Online- The Gilded Age

Kanopy- The Industrial Revolution Causes and Effects

Presidents From 1861-1896

Abraham Lincoln

The 16th President of the United States

Andrew Johnson

The 17th President of the United States

Ulysses S. Grant

The 18th President of the United States

Rutherford B. Hayes 

The 19th President of the United States

James Garfield

The 20th President of the United States

Chester A. Arthur

The 21st President of the United States

Grover Cleveland 

The 22nd and 24th President of the United States

Benjamin Harrison

The 23rd President of the United States

Grover Cleveland 

The 22nd and 24th President of the United State

Electronic Reference Books

Electronic Books

Electronic Books - Biographies

YouTube Video: Battle of Bull Run

The Union Military Leaders In the Civil War

  Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant

Lead the Union Later on in Defeating the South

Became the the 18th President 

Major General George McClellan

Led the Army of the Potomac in the Early Years

Ran Against Lincoln for President 

Brigadier/ Major General Robert Anderson 

Commanded Fort Sumter During the 1st Shots of the Civil War

Surrendered to the Confederates 


Major General Nathaniel Banks

Had Been a U.S. Congressman 

No Military Training Before the War

Had Many Defeats


Major General William Tecumseh Sherman 

Best Known for his March to the Sea Where He Destroyed Georgia From Atlanta to Savannah, and Onward Through the Carolinas 

Succeed As the Commanding General of the U.S. Army from 1869-1883

 Major General George Armstrong Custer 

Fought in Many Battles in the Civil War

Most Well Known for His Defeat and Death at the Battle of Little Bighorn in the Indian Wars Out West

Major General Winfield Scott Hancock

Career Officer

Became a Nominee for President in 1880

Major General Abner Doubleday

Known for Firing the 1st shot of the War 

Myth That he Was the Inventor of Baseball



Major General Ambrose Burnside

Career Military Leader

Given Command After McClellan Failed 

Became a Railroad Director and Senator in 1880


Lieutenant General Arthur MacArthur

Legend With His Troops for Planting a Flag on a Ridge in the Heat of Battle

Fought in the the Spanish-American War and received appointment as Governor of Philippines 



 Major General Benjamin Butler

Dismissed After Some Battle  Blunders 

Was a Lawyer and Became a Member of the House of Representatives for Massachusetts




 Major General Daniel Sickles 

Raised Volunteers for New York

Saw Most Action in Gettysburg 

Was Seriously Injured and Lost a Leg

 Major General George Gordon Meade 

Replaced General Hooker 

Most Famous for the Battle of Gettysburg

Was Commissioner of Fairmont Park Philadelphia 

Major General George Thomas

Involved in mostly the Southern Campaign

Led the Department of the Cumberland n Tennessee 

Protected Freedmen form Abuses 

 Major General Irvin McDowell 

Was in 1st and 2nd Battle of Bull Run

Was blamed for  Defeat in  Both Battles

Commander for the Department of the Pacific  and the Department of California, the the Department of the West, an the Fourth Military District, and Park Commissioner for San Francisco , California. 

Major General John Buford 

Raised in the South and Had Family Members Fighting for the South

Known for Fighting in the Battle of Gettysburg and the Selection of the Field placement Which Helped Win the Battle



Major General John Pope 

Escorted President Lincoln when He Was Newly Elected 

Appointed Commander if the Army of Virginia 

After a Battle Defeat He was sent to the Department of the Northwest in Minnesota

Helped with Reconstruction Efforts  



Major General John Reynolds 

Captured and Was a Prisoner of War

Command of the Left Wing of the Army of the Potomac 

Died in the Battle of  Gettysburg


Major General Joseph Hooker

Army of the Potomac Command

Nicknamed, "Fighting Joe Hooker"

Fought and lost in Chancellorsville


Major General Joshua Chamberlain 

Gained fame for his defense of Little Round Top in Gettysburg 

Received a Medal of Honor  Because of That Battle

Became Governor of Maine




General Philip Sheridan

Became  General of the Army of the Untied States

Held Command in Several Campaigns During the War

Commander During the Western Indian Campaigns


Major General Oliver Howard

Fought in Chancellorsville and Gettysburg 

Served Other Military Posts, including the Freedman's Bureau, Commander of the Department of Columbia, and a  role in founding of Howard University


Major General William Starke Rosecrans 

Affective Commander in the Early Campaign Wars

Was a Commander of the Army of Occupation in West Virginia 

Did Not Get Along Well With Grant 

Nicknamed "Old Rosey"

Was Appointed Minister to Mexico

Was Elected as a U.S. House of Representatives Member in 1880 For California 


YouTube Video: The Battle of Gettysburg

Online Resources: Civil War and Reconstruction

The Confederate Military Leaders in the Civil War

 General Robert E. Lee

Father Was Henry Lee III ( Light Horse Harry Lee's) Son

General in Chief of the Armies of the Confederate States

Resigned from the U.S. Army to join his native state of Virginia 

Won Many Battles for the Confederates 

Surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House

Became President of Washington College



 Lieutenant General Thomas Jonathan Jackson

Nicknamed "Stonewall"

Was Shot by Friendly Fire

Lost His Left arm and Died Soon After


 Major General J.E.B. Stuart/ James Ewell Brown Stuart

Resigned from U.S. Army to Join the Confederate Army

Mortally Shot at the Battle of Yellow Tavern


 Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest

Innovative Cavalry Leader

Became Grand Wizard of the KKK

 Lieutenant General James Longstreet 

Nicknamed "Old War Horse"

Effective at Defensive Strategies and Tactics

Became a Cotton Broker, Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Commissioner of Railroads, and Marshall for Northern Georgia


General Braxton Bragg

General of the Confederate Army

Good at planning Attacks but Not at Executing Them and Had Quarrels with Senior Officers

Worked as a Civil Engineer 

Major General George Pickett 

During the Battle of Gettysburg He Led What is Called "Pickett's Charge"

His Final Battle Led to the Surrender and Collapse of the Confederate Army


Captain William T. Anderson 

Nicknamed " Bloody Bill Anderson"

Was Part of Quantrill's Raiders

Met His Demise in Albany, Missouri where He Was Shot in the Head


Brigadier General Albert Sidney Johnston

Career Solider 

At the Battle of Shiloh he was shot in the Knee, Lost Blood, and Died

Colonel John S. Mosby 

Nicknamed :The Gray Ghost"

Was a Prisoner and was Exchanged 

Wounded Several Times and Lost an Eye Later

Organized a Partisan Ranger/ Mosby's Raiders Unit Called the Provisional Army of the Confederate States

Friends with Grant and Organized Rights to Former Confederates 

Named U.S. Consul to Hong Kong, Practiced Law, Authored Books, Toured as a Speaker, and Held Posts with the U.S. Government 



 Major General Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard (PGT)

Had many Nicknames: The Little Creole, The Little Napoleon, and Hero of Fort Sumter

Was at Fort Sumter where the Civil War Began

Was Criticized for Many Defeats in Battles

Took Sick Leave and Dismissed for His Weak Health 




 First Lieutenant Ambrose Powell Hill /A.P. Hill 

Nicknamed "Little Powell"

Took Over Command When Stonewall Jackson Was Killed

Shot During the Siege of Petersburg



Lieutenant General Richard Ewell

Resigned From U.S. Army to Join the Virginia Provisional Army

Left Leg Amputated During the Battle of Groveton

Criticized for Many Loses 

He and His Men were Captured and Imprisoned at Fort Warren




Brigadier General Joseph Eggleston Johnston

Resigned From the U.S. Army and Joined the Confederacy 

Placed in Command of the Army of the Potomac 

Negotiated Surrender With William T. Sherman and Was Always Thankful for Him Giving His Men 10 Days Ration Food


Lieutenant General Jubal Early 

Nicknamed: Old Jube or Old Jubilee 

Fought in Numerous Battles

Early's Arm Was Heart Badly and Was Relieved of His Command in a Battle

Did Not Want to Surrender and Escaped to Texas then Canada 

Practiced Law


General Edmund Kirby Smith

Nicknamed: Ted and Seminole 

Fought in the Trans-Mississippi Theater for Remainder of the War

Fled to Mexico and Cuba Fearing Treason

In Virginia a took an Oath of Amnesty 



Lieutenant General John Bell Hood

Joined the Confederate Army in Texas

Wounded at the Battle of Chickamauga and His Right Leg Was Amputated

Became a Cotton Broker and President of the Life Assurance of America 


Brigadier General Barnard Elliot Bee

Resigned the U.S. Army and Joined the 1st South Carolina Regulars 

Known That He Gave Jackson his Nickname of Stonewall

He was Morally Wounded in Battle and Died



Brigadier General Lewis Addison Armistead 

Resigned from the U.S. Army and joined the Virginia Infantry 

In the Battle Of Gettysburg He Was shot 3 Times, Taken to a Hospital, and died of Possible Fever

Brigadier General Edward Porter Alexander

Resigned From the U.S. Army and Joined the Confederate Army

Was a Chief Engineer and Signal Officer, and First to Use Signal Flags in the Civil War

Became a Chief Intelligence Officer for the Confederacy 


The Native American Leaders During the American Indian Wars Out West

Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotanke)

Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux Chief

Most Famous for Defending His People at the Battle of the Little Bighorn and Defeating Custer


Crazy Horse (Tasunke-Witko) 

 Chief of the Oglala Sioux

Fought in the Battle of the Little Bighorn

Surrendered at Camp Robinson but was resisted  confinement in the post guardhouse, and received a fatal wound from a soldier's bayonet



Red Cloud (Makhpyia Luta)

Oglala Sioux Chief 

 After a series of many battles he peace and agreed to go on a reservation with his followers


Geronimo (Goyathlay)

 Leader of a Chiricahua Group of the Apaches 

Fought alongside Cochise

Surrendered But Then Escaped and Led Raiding Parties 

Surrendered for the Last Time, but was Deported to Florida, Alabama, and Then Settled down at Fort Sill 



Cochise (Shi-ka-She)

Chief of the Chiricahua Apaches

He started the Apache Wars

Reached an agreement with the Government and went on a Reservation, but split with Geronimo and the rest of the Tribe



Chief Joseph ( Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt) Or Thunder Rolling Down The Mountain 

Was the Chief of the Nez Perce Tribe in the Wallowa Valley Between Idaho, Oregon, and Washington

Forced to Violently to move to Reservations

Fought Many Battles But Was forced to Give In and Move to Reservations 

Wrote and Spoke to Return to His Home, and Finally Returned to the Wallowa Valley


YouTube Video: The Gilded Age

Online Resources: The Gilded Age