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History Collection And Resources Guide - Valparaiso

Patrick Henry's Give me Liberty or Death Speech

The American Revolutionary War [1760-1785] primary source documents

Thomas Paine's Two Critical Works That Helped the Revolutionary Cause

Academic Video Online - The American Revolution

Academic Video Online - Documents of The Revolutionary War and the Beginning of the Nation

Academic Video Online- People of the American Revolution

Kanopy: Movies- People of the American Revolution

Electronic Books

Electronic Reference Books

Electronic Books - Biographies

George Washington's American Revolutionary War Generals and Officers

General Charles Henry Lee

Runner Up For Commander In Chief of the Continental Army

Major Antagonist to General Washington


General Horatio Lloyd Gates

Major Antagonist to General Washington

Instrumental in the Conway Cabal Affair

Major General Nathanael Greene

Served as Quartermaster General

The Fighting Quaker

General Henry Knox

Self-Taught Pupil of Military History

Chief Artillery Officer, General, and Secretary of War

Lieutenant Colonel Henry Lee III

Light Horse Harry Lee

Promoted to Major General During Washington’s Presidency in the Whisky Rebellion

Father to Robert E. Lee

Brigadier General Anthony Wayne

Mad Anthony

Fought in the Indian Wars In President Washington’s Administration Later On


General Benedict Arnold

Major General in the Continental Army

Brigadier General in the British Army


Never Caught and leaved for England After the War

Inspector General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron Von Steuben

Baron Von Steuben

Major General

Trained the Continental Army into a more cohesive fighting Unit Against the Highly skilled British Forces

Lieutenant Colonel Francis Marion

Swamp Fox

Used Guerrilla Warfare Against the British Forces

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton

Staff Aide to General Washington

Friends to Marquis de Lafayette and John Laurens

Became a Founding Father and Co-Creator of the Bill of Rights

Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens

Close friend to Alexander Hamilton

Tried to Free Slaves and Recruit Then in Service

Father was Henry Laurens Who Was a Founding Father and

Delegate/President of the Continental Congress


Major General Marquis de Lafayette

19 Years old when He Enlisted His service

Washington’s Protégé

Major Benjamin Tallmadge of the 2nd Continental Dragoons

Spymaster and Leader of the Culper Spy Ring

Was a Federalist Party Member for the U.S. House of Representatives for Connecticut

Brigadier General Daniel Morgan

Old Wagoner

Respected Battlefield Tactician


Presidents During the Republic and Early National Periods

George Washington 

The 1st President of the United States

John Adams

The 2nd President of the United States

Thomas Jefferson

 The 3rd President of the United States

James Madison

The 4th President of the United States

James Monroe

The 5th President of the United States

Online Resources: The War of 1812