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Accounting (ACCT 101 & ACCT 102) - South Bend - Elkhart

Other Data Tools

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Short for Federal Reserve Economic Data, FRED is an online database maintained by the Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis that contains an enormous number of economic time series data. It can be used to find data on industry sectors, gross domestic product (GDP), employment/unemployment, monetary data, and much more.

Click on the image on the left to access the database, or view a comprehensive list of FRED data categories here:

Also check out the graph below for an example of the data you can find using this tool!


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Another awesome data resource, the United Nations Statistics Division compiles data on international trade, national accounts, energy, industry, environment and demographic and social statistics from national and international sources, and makes it all available in numerous statistical databases. For example:

  • Use their UNData database to find data on things like balance of payments, exchange rates, and GDP for any country using:
  • Or, get detailed global trade data using their UNComtrade database (, which also provides links to “innovative and experimental uses" of its data (  Look below for an example of Comtrade data visualized by Global Financial Integrity (GFI) to show the flow of illegal money around the world.


Example of FRED data

Example of UNComtrade data visualized