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Agriculture - South Bend-Elkhart

Searching tips

Search using keywords; avoid long phrases for best results. Put short phrases into quotes: "sustainable agriculture."

Consider synonyms for your keywords: pigs = swine. Consider broader terms: goats = ruminants. If your results are too broad, try narrower terms, add another term using AND, limit the date range.

When you find results you like, notice the subject tags, and use these terms to focus your search.

Topic Overviews

These databases provide topic overviews including concept maps, "pro" and "con" points of view, primary sources, and timelines. Recommended for starting research on any topic.

Agriculture topic search terms: "animal rights"; Biofuels; Factory farming search "factory farm"; "farm subsidies"; "food insecurity"; "food safety"; Genetically Modified Food search food AND "genetically modified" ; Globalization; Local Food Movement search Subject "local food"; Nutrition; "organic food"; "population growth"; "renewable energy"; "urban agriculture"; Water Pollution search Subject water pollution without quotes; Western Diet search "western diet" or search "western pattern diet"

Searching for Articles on Agriculture topics

Recommended databases for agriculture topics are below. For some topics, trade journals may be better than peer-reviewed journals; check with your professor.

Searching for Books on Agriculture topics

To find books in all formats, search in IvyCat. Notice the Subject tags in the search results; use these as keywords to focus your search. You can also search individual eBook databases.

Recommended Ebook databases for Agriculture topics:


Open Access Resources

Open Access Resources are freely available online. They may or may not be peer-reviewed. Searching is less controlled than in library databases.