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Political Science Course Guide - Indianapolis



  • American Federalism
  • State Constitutions
  • Political parties
  • State legislatures
  • Elections
  • State governors
  • Executive agencies
  • Judicial system
  • Law enforcement
  • Local and city government
  • Public policy

Congressional Elections: Crash Course Government and Politics

Federalism: Crash Course Government and Politics

POLS 112 - State and Local Government

Save Local Government. Local government needs to be saved from… | by Thomas  F Campenni | Martin County Moments | Medium

POLS 112 - State and Local Government

This course covers the basic organization and operation of state and local governments. Topics include federalism, state constitutions, courts, governors, legislatures, elections, campaign finance, interest groups, local governments, budgets and taxes, education and law enforcement.

Classroom and Online Resources

Reference and General Collection - Books

Electronic Books