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Sociology - Bloomington
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Sociology - Bloomington
Reference & Census Data
Sociology - Bloomington
Reference & Census Data
SOCI 164 Racial and Ethnic Groups
APA Style
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Reference & Census Data
Reference Sources
US Census Data
Demographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau about the United States, Puerto Rico and the Island Areas.
Psychology (CREDO Reference)
Online dictionaries and encyclopedias covering many aspects of psychology including behavioral science, gender issues, mental health, and more
Social Sciences (CREDO Reference)
Online reference books covering a broad range of topics including sociology, political science, gender studies, culture, anthropology, and more
US State and County Quick Facts
From the U.S. Census Bureau.
Biography (CREDO Reference)
49 biographical books on a variety of people.
Biography Reference Bank from H.W. Wilson (EBSCO)
Biographical database that offers the in-depth, original profiles from the Current Biography and World Authors series
Biography Reference Source (EBSCO)
Offers a collection of full-text biographies and unique narrative biographies. Including coverage for several of the most popular and heavily-researched biographies and genres.
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