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Using Google Scholar - South Bend-Elkhart: Tips & Help

Using Google Scholar to find full text articles.

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When using Google Scholar


  1. Think of Google Scholar as a quick look to "see what's out there." There is much more scholarly material available to you as an Ivy Tech student or staff member by searching various journal and ebook databases separately.
  2. Relying on just one source is not usually the best search strategy. You will want to search across relevent databases, varying your search strategy and taking advantage of the specialized indexing that databases can offer.
  3. Google Scholar can be a helpful starting point for a search before you focus you topic and begin looking comprehensively for the hightest quality information.
  4. Remember, searching within a database like EBSCOhost's Academic Search Premier or Proquest's Nursing & Allied Health Database allows search configurations and access to content that you cannot do with Google Scholar.
  5. If you need help seek advice about the best resources by talking to your librarian.
  6. Remember, this is "beta" technology. It will not always work seamlessly. Library staff can provide assistance.
  7. Google Scholar Help has information about searching, email alerts, content coverage and more.