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FBC Procedures - Indianapolis

Staff Communication

In case of Illness

As soon as possible, either text or email the Assistant Director to let them know.

Inclement weather  

As part of Ivy Tech Community College's ongoing effort to keep students, faculty and staff informed, the College has implemented an urgent information messaging system. Ivy Tech Alert allows students, faculty and staff to receive time-sensitive messages in the form of text messages and/or emails about inclement weather campus closings and other campus emergencies (lockdowns).  Go to the link provided to sign up.  

In addition to the Ivy Tech Alert, the Assistant Director has a phone tree that is used to notify staff of school closings, etc.  You may receive a text message or phone call from the Assistant Director or the full-time Library Assistant.

Schedule Changes

Email requests for schedule changes to the Assistant Director as soon as possible.  Even when you verbally ask for a schedule change, the request should be sent via email for a written record of the request.  This is done for time-off, a change in hours on a particular day, vacation, or if you wish to work extra hours to make up for previous time off.


Google Calendar

The Lawrence Library has two calendars on the Google drive - for staff scheduling and for instruction.  The link for viewing both calendars through the portal is  In order for you to view the more detailed information in the calendars, you must have a Google email account.  Each new employee gives their Google email account to the technology librarian, and they give them access to the calendars via their Google account.  

To access the staff calendar, go to, and click on the small nine-box grid in the upper right corner of the page.  Select Calendars from the drop down menu.  This will take you to the Lawrence calendars.  You can toggle back and forth from each one on the left-hand side section titled "My Calendars."  Along the top you can select to view a day, a week or a month.  

You can also access Lawrence calendars by clicking here.  

To access the information on the Information Literacy Instruction spreadsheet, which is created with the information faculty inputs from the Library Instruction Request Form, you must be "invited" by the technology librarian.  Each semester a new spreadsheet is created to hold the instruction information for that semester, and each semester you must be invited to view the new spreadsheet.  

To view the instruction spreadsheet, either click on the link from the Lawrence Library Portal, or go to, and click on the small nine-box grid in the upper right corner of the page.  Select Drive from the drop down menu, then select "Shared with Me" from the menu on the left.  This will give you a list of Google docs you have been invited to view.  Select the spreadsheet you wish to see.  

Time Sheets

Time sheets are due to the Assistant Director every two weeks on Friday, or at the latest the following Monday.  Timesheets are now online, with a link from MyIvy/Employee Dashboard/IvyTime. The timesheet due dates are posted on the staff Google calendar.

Building or banking hours (for PART-TIME EMPLOYEES ONLY):

  • coverage has to be the primary consideration
  • limited to 8 hours in each 2 week period
  • have to use the banked time within one month, or at the discretion of the Assistant Director
  • full-timers have the option to work 4 – 10 hour days

Updated 8/25/2020

Desk Etiquette

  • Always greet students with a hello and a smile when they first walk in the library.
  •  If you need to say “no”, explain why in a calm and respectful manner.
  •  Always treat the patrons with respect.
  •  If you are the only one on duty at the Circulation Desk and it is very busy (more than five patrons are waiting) you may ask the office manager or librarian on duty to help you if he/she is free. 
  • If you are the only one on duty at the Circulation Desk and you want to leave the work area, either for break or washroom, please let the office manager and/or librarian on duty know.

Problem Patrons 

  • If patrons are rude, disruptive, or complain about the library policy or procedure, refer them to the full-time library assistant for immediate assistance.  If the issue cannot be resolved immediately with the full-time library assistant, refer them to the assistant director with the Assistant Director's card and email for future resolution
  • After staff gives patron with complaint the Assistant Director's card and email, then the staff members who deal with the patron will email the assistant director with the history of the problem along with patron info.
  • When the Assistant Director and full-time Library Assistant are out, ask the librarian in charge to handle the situation.
  • If the situation escalates to an uncomfortable level, contact Security immediately by phone (see below).

Copying and Printing

Library workers may help students with copying by showing them which buttons to push, or showing them the correct placement of items to be copies, but may not demonstrate or make copies for them.  This is due to the copyright laws and the Notice posted on the copier, which states "The Copyright Laws of the United States(Title 17,U.S. Code) Governs the Making of Photocopies or other Reproductions of Copyrighted Material.  Any Person Using this Equipment is Liable for any Infringement."

  • If a student needs a print job reprinted, use the Pharos software to reprint (see instructions here).  This will give them free reprints, so make sure they only receive reprints if there is a valid reason.
  • To print double-sided, if the document is landscape, flip on the short side.  If the document is portrait, flip on the long side.
  • To print labels, cardstock or with colored paper through the bypass tray of the color printer, see instructions here.
  • To print the APA and MLA Citations Guides and the Annotated Bibliography examples, fill out a Facilities Ticket and attach them to it.  The color printer does not print the colors clearly enough to tell the difference between the different tones used on the Guides.  Be sure to ask them to print them double-sided, collated, stapled, and printed on short edge.
    • ​Select copy room as the class and adjust the priority according to urgency. If it isn't an urgent situation leave the priority as default. 
  • For information about Copier/Printer maintenance, see here.
  • For wireless printing instructions, see here.  
  • If a student needs to add money to their print account, they can do so using cash/check at the Bursar's office, but can only use the link on MyIvy if they wish to pay with a credit card.

Updated 8/25/2020

Scanning and Fax

  1. Scan-to-Email
    1. Touch screen to begin
    2. Choose your scanning method:
      • If a user is scanning documents that are unstapled and traditional paper size (8.5” x 11”) and would like single or double sided scans, the user would select the “Document” category.
      • If scanning an ID, certificate, picture, or document (other than 8.5” x 11”) the user selects “Book” as their scanning category.
    3. Select Scan-to-Email
    4. Choose your intended file format:
      • JPEG is a great format to select if scanning a state issued ID, certificate, or picture as it will send the item as a JPEG file which is traditionally a picture format.
      • Word is a good format to choose if you are scanning an existing document and wish to send it online or edit the document further.
      • If you just wish to view and print a document PDF would be an adequate solution.
    5. Choose your color preference as color, greyscale, or black and white.
    6. Choose your resolution as standard or high quality.
    7. Open the cover and place your item to be scanned on the glass face down aligning it with the left side. If scanning traditional documents place the unstapled documents into the document feeder upside down and backwards.
    8. Click Scan Now
    9. If you wish to scan the other side of a material on the Book scanner simply open the cover and flip the item and select, “Scan More Pages”.
    10. When finished click Next
    11. Type in your email you wish to send the scan to.
      • The button to add numbers to your email address is to the left of the space button that is green with the numbers “123” on it.
    12. Click Send
    13. Then click I’m done
    14. Check your email!
  2. Scan-to-Flash Drive
    1. Touch screen to begin
    2. Choose your scanning method:
      • If a user is scanning documents that are unstapled and traditional paper size (8.5” x 11”) and would like single or double sided scans, the user would select the “Document” category.
      • If scanning an ID, certificate, picture, or document (other than 8.5” x 11”) the user selects “Book” as their scanning category.
    3. Select Scan-to-Flash Drive
    4. Insert your flash drive into the USB port in front of the scanner
    5. Choose your intended file format:
      • JPEG is a great format to select if scanning a state issued ID, certificate, or picture as it will send the item as a JPEG file which is traditionally a picture format.
      • Word is a good format to choose if you are scanning an existing document and wish to send it online or edit the document further.
      • If you just wish to view and print a document PDF would be an adequate solution.
    6. Choose your color preference as color, greyscale, or black and white.
    7. Choose your resolution as standard or high quality.
    8. Open the cover and place your item to be scanned on the glass face down aligning it with the left side. If scanning traditional documents place the unstapled documents into the document feeder upside down and backwards.
    9. Click Scan Now
    10. If you wish to scan the other side of a material on the Book scanner simply open the cover and flip the item and select, “Scan More Pages”.
    11. When finished click Next
    12. Then click I’m Done
  3. Scan-to-Fax
    1. Touch screen to begin
    2. Choose your scanning method:
      • If a user is scanning documents that are unstapled and traditional paper size (8.5” x 11”) and would like single or double sided scans, the user would select the “Document” category.
      • If scanning an ID, certificate, picture, or document (other than 8.5” x 11”) the user selects “Book” as their scanning category.
    3. Select Scan-to-fax
    4. Choose your intended file format:
      • JPEG is a great format to select if scanning a state issued ID, certificate, or picture as it will send the item as a JPEG file which is traditionally a picture format.
      • Word is a good format to choose if you are scanning an existing document and wish to send it online or edit the document further.
      • If you just wish to view and print a document PDF would be an adequate solution.
    5. Choose your color preference as color, greyscale, or black and white.
    6. Choose your resolution as standard or high quality.
    7. Open the cover and place your item to be scanned on the glass face down aligning it with the left side. If scanning traditional documents place the unstapled documents into the document feeder upside down and backwards.
    8. Click Scan Now
    9. If you wish to scan the other side of a material on the Book scanner simply open the cover and flip the item and select, “Scan More Pages”.
    10. Insert your money in the adjacent coin machine
      • 25 cents for a one-sided U.S or Canada fax
      • $1.00 for a one-sided International fax
    11. When finished scanning click Next
    12. Insert phone number
    13. Click accept/next
    14. Select “I’m Done”

Students Creating Videos

If students wish to create videos for a class, we do not have video editing software on any library computers.  There are some computers in the Quiet area that have the Adobe Suite on them, which has a program used to edit videos.  It is very complex, but library staff does not need to help the students figure out how to use it.  They will need to figure it out themselves.

The computers in the Collaboration area have the webcam software on them; students may check out a webcam from the front desk to use at any one of these computers.  They also have the option of checking out the Chromebook, which has a built-in camera, or using their phone.  

Creating live videos will likely create some noise, which is why we ask those students to please use the Collaboration area.


Phone Greeting at Front Desk

Thank you for calling Ivy Tech Lawrence Library.  This is ________________ how may I help you.

To retrieve voice mail, simply follow the directions on the phone.

Canvas or IvyLearn

Click here to access IvyLearn directly.  There are several tutorials about how to use IvyLearn on YouTube for students and faculty.  They are available here.


Tracking Transactions in RefAnalytics

Every time someone asks a question, it needs to be recorded.  We keep track of our questions using RefAnalytics, which tracks the date, time, what type of question, etc.  This information helps us in scheduling staff and in making sure we have the answers to the most frequently asked questions. It also gives us statistics to use for reports at the state level. Once you log in to your computer, you should probably keep RefAnalytics open all day for ease of use.

  • To access RefAnalytics, go to  
  • Sign in using your username and password given to you by the Technology Librarian.  This will take you to the homepage for RefAnalytics.  
  • Using the orange toolbar at the top, click on the arrow by Ref.Analytics, then Add Transaction.
  • Type the question in the Question box--doesn't need to be correct grammar, or the complete question, just an approximation.
  • The Date and Time stamp are already set to record when you submit, so if you answered a question a few hours ago and are just remembering to record it, you can edit the date/time stamp to reflect the more correct time.  It is not necessary.
  • Also, the person signed in will be the person recorded as answering the question.  Some librarians may ask assistants to record their transactions, in which case you can select the correct person in the Answered by box.

All of the boxes have a multiple choice which needs to be selected.

  • Campus is Indianapolis (LAW) Fairbanks Library
  • Type of Question is related to exactly what it says. This first selection is just naming what type of question was asked.
  • How was it asked is self-explanatory, except for SMS.  This is a text-based question.
  • Be sure to record an approximate Duration for the question.
  • The Patron Type is also important; if we have staff and faculty asking questions as well as students, that needs to be recorded.
  • Type of Question Refined is drilling down into exactly what type of question within the categories.
    • Reference/Consultation is for reference questions that pertain to research, citation help, and tours.
    • Services are things that are usually handled by circulation staff, such as item checkout, questions about circulation policy, etc.
    • Technical-Computer is just what it says.  If someone needs help with email, Word, printing, or a Citation question, this is where it would be recorded.

Last but not least, click on Submit.  You should see a small black box in the center of the screen after you click Submit that will let you know if the question was submitted.


Lost and Found

When items are left in the library, we keep them in the bottom drawer of the left-hand black filing cabinet under the circulation desk.  There is a clip board with a log that is to be filled out for every item left behind that we keep in the drawer and every item we take to Security.  

  • Anything of value is taken immediately to Security, such as car keys, wallet, phone, etc. Hand them directly to a Security Guard and have that guard sign off on the Lost and Found log.
  • Any article of clothing or something made of fabric cannot be taken to Security.  Depending on the item, we keep for at least a week if we have room for it (such as a coat).  Then it is disposed of.
  • Anything to do with food cannot be taken to Security--no Tupperware, mugs, coffee thermos, etc.  We can keep if not dirty for a few days, then dispose of it.
  • Drinks and food left behind in disposable containers are disposed of immediately.
  • Items with names--flash drives, birth certificates, health records, etc. left on the copier--try to email the student to notify that we have it, then keep in the drawer with date emailed taped to it or on post it note.  Dispose of after 1 month.
  • Go through the Lost and Found  every Friday to sort any items that need to be disposed of or that can be identified and returned to owner.

Calling Security

If you feel physically threatened,  call 911.

In a situation when a patron is giving you a hard time or is uncooperative, first contact the Full-time library assistant.  If he/she is not available, contact the Assistant Director.  If he/she is not available, call Security.

To call Security, 945-4302 or 921-4303.

**For more information concerning student behavior expectations for the 2016-2017 student year, please read the below letter.

Incident Reports

An Incident Report is needed any time Security is contacted with a patron issue.  This helps Administration keep track of repeat offenders and also to know exactly what the person did, as that is not included in Security's report.  

The Assistant Director will submit the Report, but whoever is present when the incident occurs needs to submit information about it to the Assistant Director via email in a timely manner.  If the Assistant Director is not here, the full-time Librarian and/or Library Assistant needs to be notified instead.  

The Incident Report information also needs to be copied on the Lawrence Issues Blog, so that everyone on staff can access the information if need be.

The Incident Report form is located on Campus Connect.  The form can be referred to when submitting information to the Assistant Director, so that you know what information is needed.

Accessibility Procedures

Patrons with vision difficulties have access to a large print keyboard available at the front desk and Zoomtext software, which is installed on all student computers. The Zoomtext software is capable of magnifying text, as well as reading it aloud. For tutorials about how to use Zoomtext and other software for the visually disabled, see the guide Screen Reading Tutorials.

If the student needs Zoomtext to read the text aloud to them, they will need to use some headphones.  As this is an accessibility issue, if the student does not have their ID or driver’s license, they will still be able to use the headphones.

  1. If a patron needs the large print keyboard, start by picking it up from its location which is on the counter at the north end of the circulation desk.
  2. Follow the patron to the computer station they feel most comfortable using.
  3. Unplug the original black keyboard from the USB port.
  4. Plug in the yellow, large print keyboard into the USB port.
  5. Test to ensure the keyboard is connected.
  6. Bring the black keyboard back to the circulation desk until the patron is finished with the computer.
  7. Replace the large print keyboard with the original black keyboard and return the yellow keyboard to its storage place.

If a deaf or hard of hearing patron is present without an interpreter you may use notes, word documents, diagrams, and Ivy Tech email accounts to communicate.

All computer stations are OSHA compliant. If a patron discloses their disability and any concerns pertaining to the access of computers, these concerns should be directed to the Department of Disability Support Services. Their email is Also email the assistant director to make her aware of the situation.