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FBC Procedures - Indianapolis

Faculty Requests

Faculty will fill out a Library Instruction Request Form with the information needed for librarians to teach an information literacy class.  

  • The Assistant Director will view each request and assign a librarian to each class request.  
  • Once the librarian is notified by the Assistant Director, they will contact the instructor for more information.
  • The Assistant Director will also add each request to the Google Instruction Calendar.
  • If the Assistant Director is not available, the full-time Librarian will monitor the Instruction Request Form.  If neither the Assistant Director or the full-time Librarian are available, the full-time Library Assistant will monitor the Instruction Request Form.

Teaching a One-Shot

Once faculty have filled out the request form for an instruction session, the Assistant Director will assign the class to a librarian.  The Assistant Director will put the assigned librarian's initials next to the class name on the Instruction Calendar and on the ILI spreadsheet, and email the instructor, the assigned librarian and the Full-time Library Assistant to inform them of the assignment.  The assigned librarian can then contact the instructor to ascertain exactly what the instructor wants covered during the class time.

The assigned librarian will collaborate with the instructor to determine:

  • If a lesson with IDEA is called for
  • And/or if other resources are needed that meet instructor's requirements
  • If the instructor would like handouts for class; create handouts or have an assistant print existing handouts for class.

Roving and Pop-Ins

Each librarian is assigned an ipad that will be checked out for one year; ipads will be renewed on a yearly basis.  Librarians are given an ipad to use during work and for personal time.  The librarian can use the ipad to roam the halls during class change periods, lunch time, or anytime they notice a large number of students present.  The ipad can be used to give the librarian experience in assisting students with that technology.  Librarians may download free apps or pay for apps that they wish for personal use.

Communicating with Faculty

Because of the difficulties of connecting to faculty in the community college setting, with many adjunct and online faculty never stepping foot in the library or the building where the library is located, librarians should consider alternate forms of contact. For example:

  • Find faculty names for classes in liaison areas from the Class Schedule Search ( for the current semester.
  • Create a spreadsheet of your faculty or create a group in Outlook to send newsletter/emails to.
  • Send an email introducing yourself with contact information to each faculty member at the beginning of each semester, or
  • Email newsletters each semester or when there is an event/announcement of interest. These should promote library resources and services.
  • Rove to the faculty offices that are accessible.
  • Provide faculty learning sessions, such as Lunch n Learns, that would be interesting to faculty in order to network with participants.
  • Attend any and all faculty workshops that are possible in order to become acquainted with faculty.