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FBC Procedures - Indianapolis

General Collection

Patrons are allowed to checkout up to 10 books.  However, they are not allowed to check out all books on a specific subject. For example,  if the library has 8 books on food deserts, they can check out 2 or 3.  Explain to the student that many other students may be interested in the same topic.  


  • Reserve textbooks may be checked out by currently enrolled Ivy Tech Students to be used in the Library.
  • Reserve textbooks may be checked out by Learning Resource Center Tutors with Ivy Tech ID of some kind and taken out of the Library for tutoring purposes.
  • If a student does not have an Ivy Tech ID, they need an Indiana driver's license AND they need to bring up their current class schedule on their phone or a computer to show library staff.  Library staff should then note in Voyager that the student showed current schedule with the date and staff initials.  
  • Faculty and staff currently enrolled in an Ivy Tech class may check out the textbook for the class they are enrolled in.  Verify if they are teaching or taking the class before check out.
  • 3 hour checkout period.
  • Textbooks may not be removed from the library by students.
  • Only one textbook at a time can be checked out, unless they are from the same course.  More than one textbook from the same course can be checked out by a student at the same time.
  • Textbooks cannot be placed on hold.
  • Textbooks can be renewed 1 time only if a second copy of the textbook is available.
  • Textbooks can only be checked back out if the patron waits 1/2 hour to allow other students access to the textbook.
  • Textbooks must be handed directly to a library staff member at the circulation desk. They may not be placed in a drop-box.
  • Initial fine for late textbooks is $1.00 an hour (approximately 1.67¢ per minute) with a 15 minute grace period.
  • Textbooks are marked as “lost” after 1 day. Additional fines will be calculated at this time.


Updated 5/17/2018

Quick Picks

Quick Picks are items that are fast, easy reads for patrons to enjoy when they get a break from their busy student/working schedule.  They include fiction books, popular non-fiction books, graphic novels, some magazines, and DVDs.  This is a rotating collection--as newer books and DVDs come in, the older ones will be moved to the General Collection. They are housed on the shelves beside the periodicals.  

  • All Quick Pick books check out for 2 weeks.  
  • They are allowed the same renewals as the General Collection books.  
  • Fines should be the same as for all General Collection items.
  • Students, staff and faculty can check out all Quick Pick items.
  • Community users can check out Quick Pick books and periodicals, but not DVDs.
  • DVDs have the same checkout as regular feature films at Lawrence--1 week, a limit of 2.
  • We do not ILL any Quick Pick items.
  • All issues of the magazines check out, even new ones.  Also, they do not need a protective cover to check out unless they do not have a barcode.


Updated 7/2/19


DVDs check out for 2 weeks.

Students can check out any DVD. If the DVD has the health sciences spine label (red cross/caduceus), it cannot leave the library.

Faculty can check out any DVD (no restrictions). Ask how long they need it and modify the due date in Workflows.

If students are watching the DVD in the library, ask if they have headphones; if they don’t they can check out headphones, or they can sit in the collaborative zone and play it with a low volume.

***Always check inside the case when the DVDs are returned to make sure the DVD is actually inside.

Updated 9/10/2020

Periodical Checkout

Periodicals check out for 2 weeks and have the same checkout policy as books.  Even though our policy states that the current issue is for library use only, we are checking them out to patrons to see if this increases periodical usage.  

  • For magazines with barcodes, we are not including the magazine covers in the checkout, as a way to remove more barriers to patron use.
  • For the magazines without barcodes, we are using the magazine covers with barcodes on them as a checkout for them, with the name and publication date of the magazine in the notes field.

Created 8/9/18

Updated 7/2/19

Mobile Devices

Staff Procedures for checkout:

  • Have student bring unofficial transcript of pull up on staff computer to verify GPA and current address.
  • Bring up mobile device borrower agreement for checkout (on library portal) and have student read and sign.
  • Fill out the spreadsheet for mobile device checkout name, C#, (time and date should fill auto)

Staff Procedures for Check-in:

  • Bring up mobile device Borrower agreement for Return. As student fills it out, staff member checks all components of mobile device and then fills out the staff portion of return form.
    • Staff will check to make sure item is in working order by...
  • Staff will make sure the mobile device is thoroughly cleaned and fully charged before putting away in locked cabinet in preparation for the next checkout.
  • Submit return form.

Headphones at Lawrence

Headphones are located in a cloth bin in the cabinet to the left of the Circulation Desk with the other electronic materials available for checkout. Each set of headphones has its’ own barcode, which is located on the plastic bag the headphones come in.

When patrons check headphones out have them review the Headphone Policy available at the Circulation Desk and remind them that the headphones should not leave the library.

When the headphones become dirty or broken over time they should be thrown away. The barcode needs to be deleted from Workflows first.  Library staff are not responsible for cleaning or maintaining the headphones.


Updated 9/10/2020

Anatomy Models and Anatomage

Check out Procedure for Anatomy Models and Anatomage Table to Health Science Learning Center

  1. Retrieve binder from Textbook Reserves shelf.  Binder is the last item on the last Textbook Reserves shelf.
  2. Open Workflows Circulation.
  3. Select "Checkout" in the Circulation module, then select the green user search icon in the top left corner of the screen and enter Health Science Learning Center in last name field (this is not case sensitive).
  4. Scan appropriate barcode from the binder. The models in the binder are grouped by type, with all skeletons together, all brains together, etc.
  5. Item will check out for 4 business hours. If item is needed for longer, manually change due date.


Interlibrary Loans

How to Check out an ILL

  1. Find the patron's material(s) on the Hold shelf
  2. Bring up the patron's account in Voyager
  3. Scan or type the barcode number found in the pocket of the ILL strap or label
  4. Change the item due date to the date found on the ILL strap or label
  5. Leave Hold slip on ILL shelf in the acrylic holder.

*Ignore any barcodes or barcode numbers not found on the ILL strap or label, unless the book is from NMC and does not have a strap or label.

Processing Payment for Lost Items

When student pays for lost item, that they have not returned:

  • Be sure to tell patron that any cash payment must be paid at the Bursar's office Downtown.  If they wish to pay with a credit card online, they may have to wait until the posted amount is available to be paid online.
  • Open Paying Bills in the Circulation module and scan the patron's card in the User ID field, or look up by name by selecting the green user search icon in the top left corner to bring up their patron record.
  • Paying All Bills at Once
    • If a patron has paid all of their fines and fees at the Bursar's Office, this method can be used to remove all bills at once.
    • Enter the amount being paid in the Payment box.

    • Choose the Payment type.

    • Click the Pay Bills button at the bottom of the window.

  • Paying Individual Bills
    • If only some fines and fees have been paid, or if certain fines need to be removed, this will let you target specific bills.
    • Enter the individual payment amounts in the Payment Column.

    • Choose the Payment Type for each payment.

    • Click Pay Bills at the bottom of the window.

  • Send info to full-time library assistant who will then send on to Technical Services Head at NMC to delete

  • Full-time library assistant will also send on to Assistant Director of that library in case they want to re-order

  • Full-time library assistant will also remove the hold from Banner if payment was accepted in Library.  

Edited 9/10/2020


Users GroupThe Users Group includes tasks related to creating, modifying, and displaying patron records. Some of the wizards in this group are display only and others are admin only.

User Information

  • Display User - Displays patron's contact, bill, hold, and checkout information, including any notes added by Library staff
  • Confirm Address - Displays patron's address information for modification or confirmation.

User Modification

  • User Registration - Create a brand new patron account. This should not be done for students, faculty, or staff, because their accounts should be imported from Banner on a nightly basis.
  • Copy User - Create a new patron account based on an existing patron.
  • Modify User - Make changes to a patron's account. Note: Address and Contact information should be updated with the college.
  • Remove User - Delete users that no longer need access to the Library.

User Privileges

  • Renew Privilege - Extend the expiration date of a patron's account.
  • Suspend/Unsuspend User - Restrict a patron's access to the Library.

Not Used at This Time

  • Send Message
  • Send SMS Message

User Registration

User Registration creates records for new patrons. These are created automatically for patrons affiliated with Ivy Tech with a patron load from Banner that occurs each week night. In general, Library staff should only create new records for patrons that are not affiliated with Ivy Tech.

To create a new patron record:

  1. Click the User Registration wizard in the Users Group.
  2. Choose the Profile Name:
    • Most Profiles are associated with accounts that have access to WorkFlows.
      Choose one of the following Profiles for patrons using the Library.
      • ADJUNCT - For Ivy Tech adjunct faculty
      • ADMINSTAFF - For Ivy Tech administrative staff
      • ALI-RECIP - For ALI or Reciprocal borrowers from another Library
      • COMMUNITY - For Community users
      • FACULTY - For Ivy Tech Faculty
      • STAFF - For Ivy Tech Staff
      • STUDENT - For Ivy Tech Students
  3. Enter or scan the new patron's barcode in the User ID field. UserIDs can consist of letters and/or numbers.
  4. Enter the patron's info
    • Basic Info
      • Enter full First, Middle, and Last name
      • Enter Preferred name if given
      • Library should be set to IVYTECH
      • Modify Profile name if needed.
    • Privilege
      • Set expiration date
      • Create a PIN for the patron (Override: SECRET)
    • Demographics
      • Set patron's Home Campus, Degrees, and Employment Status if given
    • Addresses
      • Enter patron's full address and contact information.
    • Extended Info
      • Add any notes to the account if needed.
  5. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Choose to close, make changes, or register another user.

Copy User

If you are creating multiple accounts for patrons in the same family, you can create a new record for the first family member and then use Copy User to copy that information into another new record and make the appropriate changes for the next family member.

Modify User

Modify User can be used to make changes to a patron's record.

After making changes, click Save at the bottom of the window to save your work.

Basic Info

Add a Preferred name.


Extend a patron's expiration date.

  • Use the gadget to choose a new expiration date.

Change patron's PIN

  • Enter the new PIN and use the Override SECRET

Web auth id and BLUEcloud staff ID

  • Enter staff member's Ivy Tech email address to enable staff access for SSO and BLUEcloud Central. Override code is restricted to Library Admin Staff.


This information should be updated through the automatic Banner patron loads.


Update address and contact information for non-Ivy Tech patrons. Ivy Tech patrons should update their address and contact information with the college and it will be automatically imported to the Library's system with the next Banner load.

Extended Info

Add notes or comments to the patron's account.

SMS Notice Contact Info

Allows patrons to opt in to SMS notifications for Holds.

  1. Under Phone Numbers, click the Add Phone button.
  2. Enter SMS Number in the Label field.
  3. Choose the appropriate Country.
    • Note: This is the region or country code to use when sending a text message to the user. The selection should match the region for the user’s phone. The selected value will be used by the system to determine the regional dialing code to use when sending the text message.
  4. Enter the patron's Phone Number
    • The phone number to which SMS notification messages will be sent. This field only allows numbers.
    • This number should not include the plus sign (+) or the country code.
    • The SMS server will not accept any phone number greater than 14 characters.
  5. Check the box under Hold Pickup Notice.
    • At this time Hold notices are the only SMS notices being sent.

Expired Students

There may be times when there are errors in the patron status on workflows, and a student is listed as expired.  If a student comes up as expired and wants to check out a textbook, they must show you their current semester class schedule online.  If they show you a current class schedule, you may change their expiration date to be at the end of the current semester.

If a student who is listed as expired wants to check out other items, and they cannot show you their class schedule, they may become a Community User to check out the items.  

Be sure to mention to the student to check their status at the registrar's office so that the error may be corrected.



Patrons Other Than Ivy Tech Students

Items Returned to Non-Owning Campus

If a book is returned to Lawrence Library but belongs to NMC, follow procedures below:

  • If not in Lost Status
    • Check book in
    • Put in green bag with discharge/in-transit slip
    • Address to appropriate campus library
    • Put in campus mail

  • If it is in Lost Status, and the book was left in the book drop, click "NO" (do not remove Lost Status).
    • Put in green bag with sticky note attached: The return date, in Lost Status, and your initials.
    • Address to appropriate campus library
    • Put in campus mail


  • If it is in Lost Status, and patron wants to pay fines immediately, click "YES" (remove Lost Status).
    • Patron can pay fines at non-owning campus for books in lost status if there is NO DISPUTE of the fines charged.
    • If there are any questions or disputes about fines, student must submit Fine Appeal to non-owning campus.  Assistant Director will notify owning campus and staff will inform patron, if item is from NMC,  that NMC has a policy of a minimum of 24 hours to respond to Fine Appeals.
    • To pay the overdue fee at the non-owning campus:
      • In Voyager, click on Patron on the main toolbar; it will take you to their record.
      • Then click on the square dollar sign box.
      • Click on Post. 
      • Remove fine using "Forgive" as the reason
      • Then add fine back in--click Add, then select fee type "Overdue" on the dropdown.
      • Enter the adjusted amount of the fine
      • Then click OK.
        • Put in green bag with discharge/in-transit slip
        • Address to appropriate campus library
        • Put in campus mail

Modify Holds in Workflows

Modify an existing hold in Workflows

Modifying an existing hold has similarities to placing a hold. 

  1. Open Circulation module
  2. Open Holds group
  3. Open Modify Holds for User wizard
  4. Bring up user record by entering C# in User ID field or using the User Search Helper
  5. Click to select the line of the item to be changed
  6. Click the Modify button
  7. Change the Pickup location and/or the Expires date
  8. Click OK button to finish

Screenshots for modifying existing user hold in Workflows

Workflows screen shots of step 1 2 and 3 of modify hold

Graphic with step 4 of modify hold process

Screenshot of step 5 and 6 of Modify Holds process

Screenshot of step 7 and 8 of Modify Holds process


Printable PDF for Placing and Modifying Holds in WorkFlows